Word definition: per


From Latin per (“through, during”), from Proto-Indo-European *per. Doublet of par.



For each.

To each, in each (used in expressing ratios of units).

(medicine) By the, by means of the, via the, through the.

In accordance with, as per


Admission is £10 per person.

miles per gallon

beats per minute

$2.50 per dozen

12 inches per foot

100 centimeters per meter

Introduce the endoscope per nasum.

The medication is to be administered per os.

I parked my car at the curb per your request.

Implement a program that computes the approximate grade level needed to comprehend some text, per the below.

Note that while the walkthrough illustrates that words may be separated by more than one space, you may assume, per the specifications above, that no sentences will contain more than one space in a row.

Related words


(abbreviation) p, p., /, ⅌ UTF-16 0x214C, introduced in Unicode 4.1.0 (March 2005)

an, a

related terms

per- (as in perfect, perfection and perplex)


shortening of person, coined by Marge Piercy in Woman on the Edge of Time (1979)


per (third-person singular, gender-neutral, nominative case, accusative per, possessive adjective pers, possessive noun pers, reflexive perself)

(rare, nonstandard) They (singular). Gender-neutral neologistic third-person singular subject pronoun, coordinate with gendered pronouns he and she.

(rare, nonstandard) Them (singular) Neologistic gender-neutral third-person singular object pronoun, suggested for use in place of him and her.


This is the same place the Houghtons came from? The place where someone we interacted with thought of going into law as a profession, decided per couldn't because per was a bdsmer, and most of the USAmerican bdsmers per was discussing it with agreed with per?

This is the same place the Houghtons came from? The place where someone we interacted with thought of going into law as a profession, decided per couldn't because per was a bdsmer, and most of the USAmerican bdsmers per was discussing it with agreed with per?

"Kalypso!" I call out as phe disappears on the horizon. I did not know it, but I loved per.

Whereas Christie had flirted with a lesbian identity prior to surgery, following surgery Christie found perself able to pursue per attraction to men, provided they related to per as a non-gendered person.

Related words


(singular) they

ey, e, sie, shi, ze


(as subject): he, she

(as object): him, her


per (not comparable)

(rare, nonstandard) Belonging to per, their (singular). Gender-neutral third-person singular possessive adjective, coordinate with gendered his and her.


Whereas Christie had flirted with a lesbian identity prior to surgery, following surgery Christie found perself able to pursue per attraction to men, provided they related to per as a non-gendered person.

Related words


(singular) their

eir, hir


his, her

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