German | English | |||
jung {adj} | young | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | jünger (als) | 1. | younger (than) | |
2. | am jüngsten | 2. | youngest | |
3. | (bei) Jung und Alt | 3. | (in) young and elderly | |
4. | nicht mehr ganz jung | 4. | mature | |
5. | jung geblieben | 5. | young at heart | |
6. | sehr jung | 6. | very young | |
7. | So jung kommen wir nicht mehr zusammen. | 7. | We'll never be that young again. | |
Jungtier {n}; Junges {n} [zool.] | young animal; young | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Jungtiere {pl}; Junge {pl} | 1. | young animals | |
Nachwuchs… | talented; young; junior; up-and-coming | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Nachwuchswissenschaftler {m}; Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin {f} | junior scientist; junior researcher; young scientist; up-and-coming young scientist | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Nachwuchswissenschaftler {pl}; Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen {pl} | 1. | junior scientists; junior researchers; young scientists; up-and-coming young scientists | |
junger Mensch {m}; Kind {n} oder Jugendlicher {m} [soc.] | young person; young one; youngster [coll.] [dated] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | junge Leute {pl}; Jugendliche {pl} | 1. | young people; young persons | |
2. | die Kinder und Jugendlichen; die jungen Leute; die Jungen [ugs.]; die Jugend | 2. | the young ones; the youngsters [coll.] [dated] | |
3. | Als ich jung war, war ich sehr schüchtern. | 3. | As a youngster I was very shy. | |
Brutpflege {f}; Brutfürsorge {f} [zool.] | care of young; parental care (given to the young) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Dorfjugend {f} | village youth; country youth; young people of the village; young hicks [pej.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Ferkel {n}; junges Schwein [zool.] | young pig; piglet; porkling | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Ferkel {pl} | 1. | young pigs | |
2. | abgesetztes Ferkel; Absetzferkel {n} | 2. | weaned piglet; weaner; shoat [Am.]; shote [Am.] [rare] | |
Frischling {m} (junges Wildschwein) [zool.] | boar piglet; young boar; baby boar [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Frischlinge {pl} | 1. | boar piglets; young boars; baby boars | |
Jungbaum {m}; Bäumchen {n}; Gerte {f} [bot.] | sapling; young tree | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Jungbäume {pl}; Bäumchen {pl}; Gerten {pl} | 1. | saplings; young trees | |