German | English | |||
Stimme {f} | voice | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Stimmen {pl} | 1. | voices | |
2. | mit gesenkter Stimme | 2. | with lowered voice | |
3. | volle Stimme | 3. | full-toned voice; orotund voice | |
4. | gegen etw. seine Stimme erheben | 4. | to raise one's voice against sth. | |
5. | mit belegter Stimme | 5. | in a husky voice | |
6. | mit lauter Stimme | 6. | in a loud voice | |
7. | mit lauter Stimme | 7. | at the top of voice | |
8. | mit leiser Stimme | 8. | in a low voice | |
9. | mit ehrfurchtsvoller Stimme | 9. | in an awed voice | |
10. | einschmeichelnde Stimme | 10. | silky voice | |
11. | Seine Stimme versagte, als er über den Tod seiner Mutter sprach. | 11. | His voice faltered when he spoke about the death of his mother. | |
Stimmlage {f}; Stimme {f} [ugs.] [mus.] | voice; voice type | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Welche Stimme singst du im Chor? | 1. | What voice do you sing in the choir? | |
stimmhafter Laut {m} | voice | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Sprache {f}; Sprach… | voice | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Sprachnachricht {f} [telco.] | voice mail message; voice mail | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sprachnachrichten {pl} | 1. | voice mail messages; voice mails | |
Begleitkommentar {m} (TV, Film) | voice-over commentary; voice-over narration; voice-over (TV, film) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Flugschreiber {m} [aviat.] | flight recorder; black box [coll.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Flugschreiber {pl} | 1. | flight recorders; black boxes | |
2. | Cockpit-Stimmenrecorder {m}; Stimmenrecorder {m} | 2. | cockpit voice recorder /CVR/; voice recorder | |
3. | Flugdatenschreiber {m} | 3. | flight data recorder /FDR/ | |
4. | Cockpit-Stimmenrecorder und Flugdatenschreiber | 4. | cockpit voice and data recorder /CVDR/ | |
(einsamer) Rufer {m} in der Wüste (Bibelzitat) [übtr.] | (lone) voice in the wilderness; voice crying in the wilderness (Bible quotation) [fig.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | ein einsamer Rufer in der Wüste sein | 1. | to be a lone voice in the wilderness | |
Sprachverbindung {f} [telco.] | voice call | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sprachverbindungen {pl} | 1. | voice calls | |
2. | Nicht-Sprachverbindung {f} | 2. | non-voice call | |
Sprechstimme {f} | speaking voice; spoken voice | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sprechstimmen {pl} | 1. | speaking voices | |
2. | Er hat eine hohe Sprechstimme. | 2. | He has a high-pitched voice. | |