German | English | |||
Art {f}; Typ {m} | type | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Arten {pl}; Typen {pl} | 1. | types | |
2. | Basistyp {m} | 2. | basic type | |
3. | Art der Nutzung | 3. | type of use | |
Bleilettern {pl}; Lettern {pl}; Typen {pl}; Schriftzeichen {pl} [print] | foundry type; hot type; type | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Schriftart {f}; Schrift {f}; Schrifttyp {m} [print] | typeface; type; font; fount [Br.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Schriftarten {pl}; Schriften {pl}; Schrifttypen {pl} | 1. | typefaces; types; fonts; founts | |
2. | Antiqua {f} | 2. | roman type | |
3. | Breitschrift {f} | 3. | wide font | |
4. | Schreibschriftart {f}; Schreibschrift {f} | 4. | script font; script | |
5. | Schriftgarnitur {f}; Schriftfamilie {f} | 5. | family of type | |
6. | ladbarer Zeichensatz {m}; ladbare Schriftart {f}; residente Schriftart {f} [comp.] | 6. | soft font; downloadable font; internal font | |
Typus {m} | type | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Denkmaltypus {m} | 1. | type of monument/memorial | |
2. | eigenständiger Typus | 2. | independent type | |
Art {f} (von etw.); Sorte {f} | kind; sort; species; type (of sth.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | aller Art | 1. | of all sorts | |
2. | so etwas in der Art | 2. | something of the sort | |
3. | eine Art (von); irgendeine Art (von) | 3. | a kind of; some kind of | |
4. | (so) etwas in dieser Art; so etwas Ähnliches | 4. | something of the kind | |
5. | irgendeine Art von Krankheit | 5. | some kind of sickness | |
6. | von derselben Sorte | 6. | the same kind | |
Bauform {f}; Ausführung {f}; Modell {n}; Typ {m} | version; style; model; type | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Förderband {n}; Band {n}; Fördergurt {m}; Gurt {m} (Fördertechnik) [techn.] | conveyor belt; belt; band conveyor; conveyer (materials handling) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Förderbänder {pl}; Bänder {pl}; Fördergurte {pl}; Gurte {pl} | 1. | conveyor belts; belts; band conveyors; conveyers | |
2. | Becherförderband {n}; Becherfördergurt {m}; Bechergurt {m} | 2. | bucket conveyor belt | |
3. | Kratzförderband {n}; Kratzband {n}; Kratzbandförderer; Kratzkettenförderer; Kettenkratzförderer; Kratzerförderer {m}; Kratzförderer {m} | 3. | scraping belt; scraping band; scraper-chain conveyor; scraping conveyor | |
4. | Kettenförderband {n}; Kettenförderer {m} | 4. | chain-type conveyor; chain conveyor; chain conveyer; link conveyor; link conveyer | |
5. | Luftkissenförderband {n}; Luftkissenförderer {m} | 5. | air-film conveyor; air-film conveyer | |
6. | Schleppkettenförderband {n}; Schleppkettenförderer {m}; Schleppförderer {m} | 6. | drag belt; drag-chain conveyor; drag-link conveyor; drag conveyor; chain-pulled conveyor; chain conveyor; chain-and-flight conveyor; bar flight conveyor; flight conveyer; pusher bar conveyor [rare] | |
7. | Schwenkkettenförderband {n}; Schwenkkettenförderer {m} | 7. | swivel-chain conveyor; swivel-chain conveyer | |
8. | Stegkettenförderband {n}; Stegkettenband {n}; Stegkettenförderer {m} | 8. | raker-type chain conveyor; raker-type chain conveyer | |
9. | Trogkettenförderband {n}; Trogkettenförderer {m} | 9. | trough chain conveyor; trough scraper conveyor; trough scraper; tray scraper; en-masse conveyor | |
10. | Trum des Förderbands | 10. | side of the conveyor belt | |
11. | Förderbandende {n}; Bandende {n} | 11. | end of belt | |
12. | Förderbandführung {f}; Bandführung {f} | 12. | belt guide | |
Kristallstrukturtyp {m}; Strukturtyp {m}; Gittertyp {m} [chem.] | crystal structure type; structure type; lattice type | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Musterberechtigung {f} [aviat.] | type rating | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Musterberechtigungen {pl} | 1. | type ratings | |
2. | Ausbildungsbetrieb für Musterberechtigungen | 2. | type rating training organisation /TRTO/ | |
Reifentyp {m} auto | tpye of tyre; tyre type [Br.]; type of tire; tire type [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Reifentypen {pl} auto | 1. | tpyes of tyre; tyre types; types of tire; tire types | |