German | English | |||
Stadt {f} | town | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Städte {pl} | 1. | towns | |
2. | in der Stadt | 2. | in town | |
3. | in der ganzen Stadt | 3. | all over the town | |
4. | in die Stadt gehen | 4. | to go into town | |
5. | in der Stadt wohnen | 5. | to live in town | |
eine Stadt/ein Land usw. verwüsten; eine Stadt in Schutt und Asche legen {vt} [hist.] | to devastate; to ravage; to sack; to leave in ruins <> a town/country; to lay waste to a town/country etc. | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | eine Stadt/ein Land usw. verwüstend; eine Stadt in Schutt und Asche legend | 1. | devastating; ravaging; sacking; leaving in ruins a town/country; laying waste to a town/country etc. | |
2. | eine Stadt/ein Land usw. verwüstet; eine Stadt in Schutt und Asche gelegt | 2. | devastated; ravaged; sacked; left in ruins a town/country; laid waste to a town/country etc. | |
3. | vom Krieg verwüstet | 3. | war-ravaged | |
4. | Die Stadt war völlig verwüstet/zerstört worden. | 4. | The town had been laid waste. | |
Bürgerversammlung {f} [pol.] | town meeting; town hall meeting [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Bürgerversammlungen {pl} | 1. | town meetings; town hall meetings | |
Stadtzentrum {n} | city centre [Br.]; city center [Am.]; town centre [Br.]; town center [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Stadtzentren {pl} | 1. | city centres; city centers; town centres; town centers | |
2. | das Stadtzentrum | 2. | the city | |
Straße-Gelände-Reifen {m} | town and country tyre; town and country tire [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Straße-Gelände-Reifen {pl} | 1. | town and country tyres; town and country tires | |
außerhalb der Stadt; von außerhalb (der Stadt); von auswärts (nachgestellt) {adv} | out-of-town | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | die Einzelhändler in der Stadt und die Großmärkte außerhalb (der Stadt) | 1. | in-town retailers and out-of-town superstores | |
2. | Gäste von außerhalb; Gäste von auswärts | 2. | out-of-town guests | |
Hansestadt {f} | Hanseatic town; Hanse town; Hansa town | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Hansestädte {pl} | 1. | Hanseatic towns; Hanse towns; Hansa towns | |
Ortsbild {n} | character and appearance of the town/village; general appearance of towns and villages | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | das Ortsbild pflegen | 1. | to preserve the character and appearance of the town/village | |
2. | das Ortsbild verschandeln | 2. | to spoil the general appearance of the town/village | |
3. | Blumen verschönern das Ortsbild. | 3. | Flowers enhance the general appearance of towns and villages. | |
Satellitenstadt {f}; Trabantenstadt {f} [soc.] | satellite commuter town; satellite town; satellite city; overspill town | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Satellitenstädte {pl}; Trabantenstädte {pl} | 1. | satellite commuter towns; satellite towns; satellite cities; overspill towns | |
Altstadt {f}; historischer Stadtteil | old town; historic section of town | |||
Examples | Examples | |||