German | English | |||
Kaufhaus {n}; Warenhaus {n} | department store; store [Br.]; big store [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Kaufhäuser {pl}; Warenhäuser {pl} | 1. | department stores; stores; big stores | |
2. | billiges Kaufhaus | 2. | five-and-ten [Am.] | |
3. | in einem Kaufhaus | 3. | at/in a department store | |
Laden {m}; (kleineres) Geschäft {n}; Ladengeschäft {n} [econ.] | shop [Br.]; store [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Läden {pl}; Geschäfte {pl}; Ladengeschäfte {pl} | 1. | shops; stores | |
2. | Fischladen {m}; Fischgeschäft {n} | 2. | fishmonger's shop; fishmonger's; fish store | |
3. | Stoffladen {m}; Stoffgeschäft {n} | 3. | fabric shop | |
4. | im Geschäft | 4. | in-store | |
5. | einen Laden eröffnen | 5. | to set up a shop | |
6. | Läden (nach etw.) abklappern [ugs.] | 6. | to trawl the shops (for sth.) | |
Speicher {m} [comp.] | memory; storage; store [Br.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | aktiver Speicher | 1. | active storage | |
2. | dynamischer Speicher | 2. | dynamic storage | |
3. | löschbarer Speicher | 3. | erasable storage | |
4. | nullspannungsgesicherter Speicher | 4. | retentive memory | |
5. | seitenorientierter Speicher | 5. | paging area memory /PAM/ | |
6. | Sequenzspeicher {m} | 6. | sequential-access memory; sequential-access storage; serial-access memory /SAM/; serial memory; serial store | |
7. | Startroutinespeicher {m}; Urladespeicher {m} | 7. | bootstrap memory | |
8. | virtueller Speicher; virtueller Arbeitsspeicher | 8. | virtual memory | |
Gardine {f}; Store {m} [textil.] | net curtain | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Gardinen {pl}; Stores {pl} | 1. | net curtains | |
Lager {n}; Lagerhaus {n}; Lagerraum {m}; Magazin {n} | store | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Lager {pl}; Lagerhäuser {pl}; Lagerräume {pl}; Magazine {pl} | 1. | stores | |
Billigladen {m}; Ramschladen {m}; 1-Euro-Shop {n} [pej.] | junk shop [Br.]; pound shop [Br.]; variety store [Am.]; dime store [Am.]; 99-cent store [Am.] [pej.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Billigläden {pl}; Ramschläden {pl}; 1-Euro-Shops {pl} | 1. | junk shops; pound shops; variety stores; dime stores; 99-cent stores | |
Geschäft {n} / Laden {m} für Alkoholika; Getränkegeschäft {n}; Getränkeladen {m} | liquor shop [Br.]; off licence [Br.]; liquor store [Am.]; package store [Can.]; bottle shop [Austr.]; ABC store | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Geschäfte {pl} / Läden {pl} für Alkoholika; Getränkegeschäfte {pl}; Getränkeladen {pl} | 1. | liquor shops; off licences; liquor stores; package stores; bottle shops; ABC stores | |
2. | illegaler Getränkeladen während der Prohibition in den USA | 2. | speakeasy [Am.] [hist.] (illicit liquor shop during Prohibition) | |
auf jdn. warten; jdm. bevorstehen {vi} (Sache) | to lie in store for sb.; to be in store for sth. (of a thing) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Es wartet ein wahrer Leckerbissen auf dich. | 1. | There's a real treat in store for you. | |
2. | Was hat Europa im nächsten Jahr zu erwarten? | 2. | What is in store for Europa next year? | |
3. | Ich wüsste gerne, was mich in Zukunft erwartet. | 3. | I wonder what lies in store for me in the future. | |
4. | Hätte ich gewusst, was mir bevorsteht, hätte ich niemals zugestimmt. | 4. | If I had known what lay in store for me, I would never have agreed. | |
(für jdn.) auf Lager haben; bereithalten; bringen {vi} | to have/hold in store (for sb.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Wir haben eine große Überraschung für dich auf Lager. | 1. | We have a big surprise in store for you. | |
2. | Wir wissen nicht, was (uns) die Zukunft bringt. | 2. | We don't know what the future holds in store (for us). | |
auf etw. Wert legen {v} | to emphasize sth. [eAm.]; to emphasise sth. [Br.]; to attach importance to sth.; to set great store by sth. | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | sehr auf Ordnung halten | 1. | to set great store by tidiness | |
2. | Darauf lege ich keinen großen Wert. | 2. | I don't attach great importance to it. | |
3. | Wir haben stets Wert auf vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden gelegt. | 3. | We have always set great store in trusting partnerships with our customers. | |