German | English | |||
Rede {f}; Ansprache {f} | speech; address | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Fernsehansprache {f} | 1. | television address | |
2. | die Rede des Präsidenten | 2. | the President's speech; the speech given by the President | |
3. | Begrüßungsrede {f}; Begrüßungsansprache {f} | 3. | speech of welcome; welcoming speech; welcoming address | |
4. | Dankesrede {f} (bei einer Preisverleihung) | 4. | acceptance speech (given by sb. receiving an award/prize) | |
5. | Nominierungsrede {f} [pol.] | 5. | nominating speech | |
6. | Tischrede {f} | 6. | after-dinner speech | |
7. | Wahlrede {f} [pol.] | 7. | campaign speech; stump speech [Am.] | |
8. | eine Rede halten; eine Ansprache halten (über/zu etw.) | 8. | to give a speech; to make a speech; to deliver a speech; to give/deliver an address (about/on sth.) | |
Sprechfähigkeit {f}; verbale Ausdrucksfähigkeit {f}; Sprache {f} [med.] | power of speech; speech; verbal expression | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | die menschliche Sprechfähigkeit | 1. | human speech | |
2. | ein Verlust der Sprechfähigkeit | 2. | a loss of speech | |
3. | eine leichte Sprachbeeinträchtigung / Sprechbeeinträchtigung haben | 3. | to have a mild speech impediment | |
4. | die Art, wie das Gehirn Ton und Sprache verarbeitet | 4. | the way the brain processes sound and speech | |
5. | Sie konnte kaum sprechen und sie konnte nicht gehen. | 5. | Her speech was bad, and she couldn't walk. | |
gesprochene Sprache {f} [ling.] | spoken language; speech | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | der Gebrauch einer Sprache in Wort und Schrift | 1. | the use of a language in speech and writing | |
2. | Diese Ausdrücke sind in der gesprochenen Sprache häufiger als in der geschriebenen. | 2. | These expressions are more common in speech than in writing. | |
Sprachfehler {m} | speech impediment; speech impairment; language impairment; speech defect | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sprachfehler {pl} | 1. | speech impediments | |
2. | einen Sprachfehler haben | 2. | to have a speech impediment | |
Bammel {m}; Bibbern {n}; Muffensausen {n} [Dt.] [ugs.]; Fracksausen {n} [Dt.] [ugs.] | jitters | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Bammel vor der Prüfung | 1. | jitters before an/the exam; pre-exam jitters | |
2. | Redeangst {f} | 2. | jitters before an/the speech; pre-speech jitters | |
3. | Terrorangst {f} | 3. | terror jitters | |
4. | Bammel haben; das (große) Bibbern kriegen; das Muffensausen kriegen | 4. | to get the jitters | |
5. | Vor einer Rede / Wenn ich eine Rede halten muss, habe ich immer Lampenfieber. | 5. | I always get the jitters before I have to give a speech.; Having to give a speech always gives me the jitters / a bad case of the jitters. | |
Logopäde {m}; Logopädin {f} | speech pathologist; speech therapist | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Logopäden {pl}; Logopädinnen {pl} | 1. | speech pathologists; speech therapists | |
Sprechblase {f} (Zeichentrickgeschichte) | speech balloon; speech bubble (cartoon strip) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sprechblasen {pl} | 1. | speech balloons; speech bubbles | |
Sprechstörung {f} | speech disorder; speech impediment | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sprechstörungen {pl} | 1. | speech disorders; speech impediments | |
Verteidigungsrede {f} [jur.] | speech for the defence; defence speech [Br.]; speech for the defense; defense speech [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Sprechpause {f} [ling.] | speech pause; speech break | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sprechpausen {pl} | 1. | speech pauses; speech breaks | |