German | English | |||
militärische Stellung {f}; Stellung {f} [mil.] | military site; site | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | militärische Stellungen {pl}; Stellungen {pl} | 1. | military sites; sites | |
2. | befestigte Verteidigungsstellung {f} | 2. | strongpoint | |
3. | Feuerstellung {f} | 3. | firing site | |
4. | Radarstellung {f} | 4. | radar site | |
5. | Raketenstellung | 5. | missile launching site; missile site | |
6. | verbunkerte Stellung | 6. | hardened site | |
7. | nichtverbunkerte Stellung | 7. | soft site | |
Gelände {n} (Grundstück) | premises; grounds; site | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Ausstellungsgelände {n}; Schaugelände {n} | 1. | exhibition premises; exhibition site; showgrounds | |
2. | Bahnhofsgelände {n} | 2. | station premises | |
3. | Betriebsgelände {n}; Firmengelände {n} | 3. | company premises; company grounds | |
4. | Werksgelände {n} | 4. | factory premises; industrial premises | |
5. | auf dem Messegelände | 5. | in/on the fairgrounds | |
6. | auf dem Kasernengelände | 6. | on the barracks site | |
7. | außerhalb des Geländes befindlich | 7. | off-site | |
8. | das Gelände, das das Schulgebäude umgibt | 8. | the grounds surrounding the school building | |
9. | Grillen ist auf dem Gelände verboten. | 9. | Barbecuing is not allowed on the premises.; No barbecuing is allowed on the premises. | |
10. | Es wurde auf dem Gelände eines Kirchengebäudes gefunden. | 10. | It was found on the premises of a church building. | |
Aufstellungsort {m}; Standort {m} | site | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Aufstellungsorte {pl}; Standorte {pl} | 1. | sites | |
2. | Alternativstandort {m} | 2. | alternative site | |
Standort {m} [bot.] | site; habitat | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Standorte {pl} | 1. | sites; habitats | |
Straßenbaustelle {f}; Baustelle {f}; Arbeitsstelle {f} [Dt.] (an Straßen) [auto] [constr.] | roadworks site [Br.]; roadwork site [Am.]; construction work site [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Straßenbaustellen {pl}; Baustellen {pl}; Arbeitsstellen {pl} | 1. | roadworks sites; roadwork sites; construction work sites | |
2. | an/bei der Baustelle | 2. | at the roadworks site; at the construction work site | |
3. | Achtung Baustelle! (Warnschild) | 3. | Road work ahead!; Street work ahead!; Men at Work! [Br.]; Construction Work! [Am.] (warning sign) | |
Ausgrabungsleiter {m}; Grabungsleiter {m}; Leiter {m} der Ausgabungen | excavation site director; site director (of the excavation); excavation leader; dig leader | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Ausgrabungsleiter {pl}; Grabungsleiter {pl}; Leiter {pl} der Ausgabungen | 1. | excavation site directors; site directors; excavation leaders; dig leaders | |
Baustellenleiter {m}; Bauleiter {m} | (construction/building) site manager; (construction/building) site supervisor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Baustellenleiter {pl}; Bauleiter {pl} | 1. | site managers; site supervisors | |
Baustellensichtschutzwand {f}; Baustellenwand {f} | building site screen; construction site screen | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Baustellensichtschutzwände {pl}; Baustellenwände {pl} | 1. | building site screens; construction site screens | |
Baustellenzaun {m} | building site fence; site fence | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Baustellenzäune {pl} | 1. | building site fences; site fences | |
Bauzaun {m} [constr.] | site fence; site hoarding [Br.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Bauzäune {pl} | 1. | site fences; site hoardings | |