Translation of 'sing' - German English Dictionary

singen {vi} [mus.]to sing {sang; sung}
1. singend1. singing
2. gesungen2. sung
3. er/sie singt3. he/she sings
4. ich/er/sie sang4. I/he/she sang
5. wir/sie sangen5. we/they sang
6. er/sie hat/hatte gesungen6. he/she has/had sung
7. ich/er/sie sänge7. I/he/she would sing
8. sauber singen; rein singen; richtig singen8. to sing in tune
9. falsch singen9. to sing out of tune; to sing off-pitch; to sing off-key
10. hoch singen10. to sing treble
11. mehrstimmig singen11. to sing in parts; to sing in harmony
12. in einem Chor singen / mitsingen [ugs.]12. to sing in a choir
13. Sing mal etwas Schönes!13. Why don't you sing something pretty?
(mit jdm.) mitsingen {vi} [mus.]to join (sb.) in singing; to join (with sb.) in singing; to sing along
1. mitsingend1. joining in singing; singing along
2. mitgesungen2. joined in singing; singed along
3. Sing mit, wenn du den Text kennst.3. Sing along if you know the words.
Gesangsregister {n}; Register {n} [mus.]vocal register; register
1. Gesangsregister {pl}; Register {pl}1. vocal registers; registers
2. Brustregister {n}; Bruststimme {f}2. chest register; chest voice; full voice
3. Kopfregister {n}; Kopfstimme {f}3. head register; head voice
4. im Brustregister/mit der Bruststimme singen4. to sing in (the) chest register/chest voice
5. im Kopfregister/mit der Kopfstimme/im Falsett/mit der Falsettstimme singen5. to sing in (the) head register/head voice/falsetto voice/in falsetto
Loblied {n}song of praise
1. ein Loblied auf jdn. anstimmen1. to sing sb.'s praise
2. ein Loblied auf sich singen2. to sing one's own praises
Musiknoten {pl}; (gedruckte) Noten {f} (von einem Musikstück) [mus.]sheet music; printed music; music; music score; score (of a piece of music)
1. Klaviernoten {pl}1. piano sheet music; piano scores
2. Gitarrenoten {pl}2. guitar sheet music; guitar scores
3. Noten für eine Stimme; Stimme; Stimmbuch [hist.]3. sheet music for a part; part; partbook [hist.]
4. nach Noten singen/spielen4. to sing/play from sheet music; to sing/play from a score
5. Noten schreiben5. to write sheet music
6. Noten lesen lernen6. to learn how to read music
7. jdm. Noten lesen beibringen/lernen [ugs.]7. to teach sb. to read music
8. beim Musikhören in den Noten mitlesen8. to follow the music in the score
9. Er kann keine Noten lesen.9. He cannot read music.
Singsang {m}; singender Tonfall {m} [ling.]lilt; sing-song
1. irischer Singsang; singender irischer Tonfall1. Irish lilt; Irish sing-song
2. mit einem singenden Tonfall sprechen2. to speak with a lilt; to lilt; to speak in a singsong (voice); to singsong
etw. singen {vt} [mus.]to sing sth. {sang; sung}
1. Die hohen Töne sind schwer zu singen.1. The high notes are difficult to sing.
Alt {m} [mus.]alto; contralto
1. Alt singen1. to sing alto
Chor {m} (Gemeinschaft von Singenden) [mus.]choir (group of singers)
1. Chöre {pl}1. choirs
2. Frauenchor {m}2. female choir
3. Jugendchor {m}3. youth choir
4. Kinderchor {m}4. children's choir
5. Männerchor {m}; Mannschor {m} [Süddt.]5. male choir; male voice choir
6. Opernchor {m}6. opera choir
7. im Chor singen7. to sing in the choir
8. Er singt im Schulchor.8. He sings in the school choir.
9. arrangiert/transkribiert für A-Capella-Chor9. arranged/transcribed for a cappella choir
Doch!; Oh doch! (Antwort, mit der einer negativen Aussage widersprochen wird)Oh yes!; Yes, of course!; Yes, I am/was! Yes, you are/were!; Yes, he/she/it is/was! Yes, we are/were!; Yes, they are/were! (reply expressing contradiction of a negative statement)
1. Doch, das interessiert mich schon.1. Oh yes, this does interest me.
2. „Du willst ja nicht singen.“ „Doch“2. 'You don't want to sing.' 'Oh yes!' / 'Yes, I do.'
3. „Dort drüben, siehst du's nicht?“ „Doch, ich seh's!“3. 'It's there, can't you see it?' 'Oh yes!' / 'Yes, I can see it!' / Of course, I can see it!'
4. „Bist du nicht einverstanden?“, „Doch, vollkommen!“4. 'Don't you agree?', 'Yes, of course!' / 'Yes, absolutely!'
5. „So hat sie das sicher nicht gemeint.“, „Doch!“ / „Doch, das hat sie!“5. 'She surely didn't mean it that way.', 'Yes, she did!'
6. Ich hatte noch nie einen Vollrausch – doch, einmal (hatte ich einen)!6. I've never been in a drunken stupor – well, that's not true, I was on one occasion!