German | English | |||
Gestein {n} [geol.] | rock | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | aufgeschlossenes Gestein | 1. | exposed rock | |
2. | bröckeliges Gestein | 2. | friable rock | |
3. | Erdölspeichergestein {n} | 3. | oil reservoir rock | |
4. | eruptives Gestein; Ergussgestein {n} vulkanischen Ursprungs | 4. | eruptive rock; extrusive rock | |
5. | gewachsenes Gestein; gewachsener Fels; anstehendes Gestein; Anstehendes | 5. | native rock | |
6. | klüftiges Gestein; schiefriges Gestein | 6. | cleft rock | |
7. | lockeres Gestein | 7. | loose rock; scall | |
8. | massiges Gestein | 8. | bulky rock; massive rock | |
9. | rissiges Gestein | 9. | seamy rock | |
10. | sandiges Gestein | 10. | arenaceous rock | |
11. | sprödes Gestein | 11. | brittle rock | |
12. | an der Erdoberfläche gebildetes Gestein; superkrustales Gestein | 12. | supercrustal rock | |
13. | nicht standfestes Gestein; nicht druckfestes Gestein | 13. | incompetent rock | |
14. | Bearbeitung des Gesteins | 14. | sculpturing of rock | |
Rock {m}; Damenrock {m} [textil.] | skirt | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Röcke {pl}; Damenröcke {pl} | 1. | skirts | |
2. | Röckchen {n} | 2. | little skirt; short skirt | |
3. | Ballerinarock {m} | 3. | ballerina skirt | |
4. | Ballonrock {m} | 4. | bubble skirt; balloon skirt | |
5. | Bastrock {m} | 5. | bast skirt; raffia skirt | |
6. | Bleistiftrock {m}; Stiftrock {m} (körpernaher Rock mit geradem Schnitt) | 6. | pencil skirt (slim-fitting skirt with a straight cut) | |
7. | Dirndlrock {m} | 7. | Dirndl skirt | |
8. | Faltenrock {m}; Plisseerock {m} | 8. | pleated skirt | |
9. | Glockenrock {m} | 9. | bell-shaped skirt | |
10. | Humpelrock {m} | 10. | hobble skirt | |
11. | Tellerrock {m} | 11. | full circle skirt | |
12. | Vokuhila-Rock {m} (vorne kurz-hinten lang) | 12. | mullet skirt | |
13. | Wickelrock {m}; Halbrock {m}; Schoß {f} [Ös.] | 13. | wrap skirt; wraparound skirt | |
14. | knapp kniefreier Rock | 14. | just-above-the-knee-style skirt | |
15. | leicht ausgestellter Rock | 15. | slightly flared skirt | |
16. | Sie hob ihren Rock (an). | 16. | She lifted her skirt. | |
Rockmusik {f}; Rock {m} [mus.] | rock music; rock | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Hardrock {m} | 1. | hard rock | |
2. | Kuschelrock {m} | 2. | soft rock | |
Gesteinsart {f}; Gebirgsart {f} [geol.] | rock type; nature of rock; rock | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Gesteinsarten {pl}; Gebirgsarten {pl} | 1. | rock types | |
Felsen {m}; Felsblock {m} [geogr.] | piece of rock; rock | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Felsen {pl}; Felsblöcke {pl} | 1. | pieces of rock; rocks | |
Felsgestein {n}; Fels {m} [geol.] | rock | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Felsgesteine {pl}; Felsen {pl} | 1. | rocks | |
2. | brüchiger Fels (Klettern) | 2. | choss rock; chossy rock (climbing) | |
Stein {m} (einzelnes Stück) | stone; rock [Am.] (small piece of rock) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Steine {pl} | 1. | stones; rocks | |
2. | eingeklemmter Stein (im Reifen) | 2. | trapped stone | |
3. | kleiner Stein | 3. | ratchel | |
4. | der Stein der Weisen | 4. | the philosophers' stone | |
5. | Ihm fiel ein Stein vom Herzen. [übtr.] | 5. | It was a load off his mind. | |
rockig {adj} [mus.] | rock; rock-like | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Jackett {n}; Sakko {n} ({m} [Schw.]); Kittel {m} [Schw.]; Veston {m} [Schw.]; Rock {m} [ugs.] [hist.] (Teil einer Kombination) [textil.] | (suit) jacket [Br.]; (suit) coat [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Klunker {m} [ugs.]; Diamant {m}; Schmuck {m} | ice; rock [slang] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Klunkern {pl}; Diamanten {pl} | 1. | rocks | |