German | English | |||
Forschung {f} (zu/über etw.) [sci.] | research (in/into/on sth.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Hochschulforschung {f}; Universitätsforschung {f} | 1. | university research | |
2. | Spitzenforschung {f}; exzellente Forschung; herausragende Forschung | 2. | top-level research; cutting-edge research; excellent research | |
3. | Forschung und Entwicklung (F+E; FuE) | 3. | research and development (R&D) | |
4. | Forschung und Lehre | 4. | research and teaching | |
5. | Einheit von Forschung und Lehre | 5. | unity of teaching and research | |
6. | Forschung und technologische Entwicklung /FTE/ | 6. | research and technological development /RTD/ | |
7. | angewandte Forschung | 7. | applied research | |
8. | multidisziplinäre Forschung | 8. | multidisciplinary research | |
9. | Orientierungsforschung {f} | 9. | exploratory research | |
10. | qualitative Forschung | 10. | qualitative research | |
11. | quantitative Forschung | 11. | quantitative research | |
Nachforschung {f}; Recherche {f} | investigation; inquiry; research | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Nachforschungen {pl}; Recherchen {pl} | 1. | investigations; inquiries; researches | |
2. | Nachforschungen/Recherchen anstellen (über jdn./etw.) | 2. | to make investigations (into sb./sth.); to investigate sth. | |
Forschungsgegenstand {m} | object of research; research subject; research topic | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Forschungsgegenstände {pl} | 1. | objects of research; research subjects; research topics | |
Forschungsprogramm {n} | research programme [Br.]; research program [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Forschungsprogramme {pl} | 1. | research programmes; research programs | |
2. | Fischereiforschungsprogramm {n} | 2. | fisheries research programme | |
forschen {vi} | to research; to do research | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | forschend | 1. | researching; doing research | |
2. | geforscht | 2. | researched; done research | |
3. | forscht | 3. | researches | |
4. | forschte | 4. | researched | |
5. | er/sie hat/hatte geforscht | 5. | he/she has/had researched | |
6. | Es wurde viel geforscht. | 6. | Much research was carried out. | |
zu etw. recherchieren {vt} | to research sth.; to do research on/in/into sth. | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | recherchierend | 1. | researching; doing research | |
2. | recherchiert | 2. | researched; done research | |
3. | Ich recherchiere für mein Buch. | 3. | I am researching my book. | |
4. | Wir haben zu dem Thema gründlich recherchiert. | 4. | We have thoroughly researched the subject.; We have done thorough research into the subject. | |
Auftragsforschungsinstitut {n} | contract research organization [eAm.]; contract research organisation /CRO/ [Br.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Auftragsforschungsinstitute {pl} | 1. | contract research organizations; contract research organisations | |
Forschungsanstalt {f}; Forschungsinstitut {n}; Forschungseinrichtung {f} | institute for scientific research; research institute | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Forschungsanstalten {pl}; Forschungsinstitute {pl}; Forschungseinrichtungen {pl} | 1. | institutes for scientific research; research institutes | |
Forschungsauftrag {m} | research assignment; research contract | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Forschungsaufträge {pl} | 1. | research assignments; research contracts | |
Forschungseinrichtung {f}; Forschungsstätte {f} | research facility; research site | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Forschungseinrichtungen {pl}; Forschungsstätten {pl} | 1. | research facilities; research sites | |