German | English | |||
Bericht {m} (über etw.); Meldung {f} (von etw.) | report (on sth.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Berichte {pl}; Meldungen {pl} | 1. | reports | |
2. | Einmeldungen {pl} [Ös.] [adm.] | 2. | reports received at a central office from different entities | |
3. | Erstmeldung {f} | 3. | initial report | |
4. | Hintergrundbericht {m}; Report {m} (in den Medien) | 4. | background report (in the media) | |
5. | Tagesmeldung {f}; Tagesbericht {m} | 5. | daily report | |
6. | einen Bericht abfassen/erstellen [adm.] | 6. | to draw up; to make out; to write out; to write up a report | |
7. | Bericht erstatten; Meldung erstatten | 7. | to make a report; to give a report | |
8. | ausführlicher Bericht | 8. | full report | |
9. | „Wichtige Ereignisse“-Meldung; WE-Meldung (Polizei) [Dt.] | 9. | instant report (police) | |
10. | Wir berichteten darüber in der gestrigen Ausgabe. | 10. | We ran a report on this in yesterday's issue. | |
11. | Der Rechnungshof stellt der Universität ein gutes/schlechtes Zeugnis aus. | 11. | The university has received a good/bad report from the Court of Audit. | |
Rapport {m} [mil.] | report | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | jdm. Rapport erstatten | 1. | to report to sb. | |
Reportage {f} | report; commentary; reportage | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Reportagen {pl} | 1. | reports; commentaries; reportages | |
2. | Fotoreportage {f} | 2. | photo reportage | |
3. | Videoreportage | 3. | video report; video reportage [rare] | |
Zeitungsbericht {m} | report; newsletter report | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Zeitungsberichte {pl} | 1. | reports; newsletter reports | |
Ausführungen {pl} | report | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Knall {m} (einer Schusswaffe/Explosion) [mil.] | report (loud noise of a gun/explosion) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Prämie {f}; Report {m} (Aufschlag auf den Devisenkassakurs im Devisenterminhandel) (Börse) [fin.] | forward premium; premium over spot [Br.] (stock exchange) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Report {m} (Kursaufschlag bei der Verlängerung von Termingeschäften) (Börse) [fin.] | contango rate; contango; carry-over (stock exchange) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Wohnungsübergabeprotokoll {n} (bei einem Mieterwechsel) | rental inspection report; property condition report; tenancy condition report; rental inspection report (at a change of tenancy) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Wohnungsübergabeprotokolle {pl} | 1. | rental inspection reports; property condition reports; tenancy condition reports; rental inspection reports | |
Abnahmeprüfprotokoll {n}; Abnahmeprotokoll {n}; Abnahmebericht {m} | acceptance test report; acceptance report; inspection report | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Abnahmeprüfprotokolle {pl}; Abnahmeprotokolle {pl}; Abnahmeberichte {pl} | 1. | acceptance test reports; acceptance reports; inspection reports | |