German | English | |||
abschminken {vt} | to remove the make-up <remove the makeup> <remove the make up> | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | abschminkend | 1. | removing the make-up | |
2. | abgeschminkt | 2. | removed the make-up | |
etw. entfernen; etw. zum Verschwinden bringen; etw. wegbekommen [ugs.] {vt} | to remove sth.; to do away with sth. | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | entfernend; zum Verschwinden bringend; wegbekommend | 1. | removing; doing away | |
2. | entfernt; zum Verschwinden gebracht; wegbekommen | 2. | removed; done away | |
3. | Kratzer entfernen | 3. | to remove/do away with scratches | |
entformen {vt} | to demould; to remove from the mould [Br.]; to demold; to remove from the mold [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | entformend | 1. | demoulding; demolding | |
2. | entformt | 2. | demoulded; demolded | |
etw. herausoperieren {vt} [med.] | to remove sth. (surgically); to (surgically) remove sth. | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Deckgestein {n}; Deckgebirge {n}; Deckschicht {f}; hangende Schicht {f} [min.]; Hangendes {n} [min.] [geol.] | cap rock; capping bed; capping; overlying rock (mass); overlying layer; overlying strata; hanging layer; upper wall, lidstone (in iron-ore deposits); uncallow [Br.] [coll.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | brüchiges Deckgebirge | 1. | drawrock | |
2. | Abraum eines Tagebaus | 2. | rubbish of an open cut | |
3. | Abraum über einer Seife | 3. | leading | |
4. | das Deckgebirge abtragen; abräumen | 4. | to strip; to remove the overburden | |
Dokumentschutz {m} [comp.] | document protection | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | den Dokumentschutz aufheben | 1. | to lift / remove the document protection | |
die Fäden ziehen {vt} [med.] | to remove / take out the stitches / sutures | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Fleckenreinigung {f} | spot remove | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Fleckenreinigungen {pl} | 1. | spot removes | |
Formatierung {f} (Ergebnis) [comp.] | formatting (result) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | etwaige frühere Zeichenformatierungen | 1. | any earlier character formatting | |
2. | die Absatzformatierungen im Text | 2. | the paraphgraph formatting applied to the text | |
3. | eine Formatierung (bei etw.) vornehmen | 3. | to apply formatting (to sth.) | |
4. | alle Formatierungen entfernen | 4. | to remove all formatting | |
Fremdkörper {m} [techn.] | piece of foreign matter; piece of extraneous matter | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Fremdkörper {pl} | 1. | foreign matter; extraneous matter | |
2. | Fremdkörper entfernen | 2. | to remove pieces of foreign matter | |