German | English | |||
wirklich; real; Real… {adj} | real; real; real-life; real-world | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | im wirklichen Leben | 1. | in real life | |
2. | ihr häufiges Kranksein, ob real oder eingebildet | 2. | her many illnesses, either real or imagined/imaginary | |
3. | in der realen Welt | 3. | in the real world | |
4. | aus dem Leben gegriffen | 4. | taken from real life | |
dinglich {adj} [jur.] | in rem; real; heritable [Sc.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | dinglicher Anspruch | 1. | claim in rem; claim based on a property right | |
2. | dinglich gesichert | 2. | secured by a property lien / by a lien on real or personal property | |
3. | dinglich gesicherte Schuldscheine | 3. | borrower's notes against ad rem security | |
4. | dinglicher Gerichtsstand | 4. | in rem jurisdiction | |
5. | dingliche Klage | 5. | action in rem; real action | |
6. | dingliches Recht | 6. | right in rem; real right; interest in property [Br.]; property right [Am.] | |
7. | dingliche Sicherheit | 7. | real security | |
8. | dingliche und persönliche Sicherheiten | 8. | real and personal guarantees | |
9. | dingliche Übertragung | 9. | transfer in rem | |
10. | dingliche Duldung | 10. | accepting encumbrances in rem | |
11. | dingliche Zinsen | 11. | interests on the mortgage | |
12. | dingliche Vereinbarung | 12. | real contract | |
echt; wahr {adj} | real | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | echtes Gold | 1. | real gold | |
2. | echter Pelz | 2. | real fur | |
3. | der wahre Grund | 3. | the real reason | |
4. | sein bürgerlicher Name | 4. | his real name | |
5. | auf wahren Begebenheiten beruhen | 5. | to be based on real events | |
6. | genau das Richtige (für etw.) sein; das einzig Wahre sein | 6. | to be the real deal (for sb./sth.) | |
reell; real {adj} | real | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | die reele Gefahr eines Bürgerkriegs | 1. | a real danger of civil war | |
2. | Es besteht die sehr reelle Möglichkeit, dass … | 2. | There is a very real possibility that … | |
3. | Diese Bedrohung ist sehr real. | 3. | This threat is very real. | |
echt; reell {adj} | real | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | eine reelle Chance | 1. | a real/genuine chance | |
2. | echte Gefühle | 2. | real feelings | |
3. | traditionell gebrautes Bier | 3. | real ale [Br.] | |
4. | Obermaterial echt Leder. | 4. | Upper real leather. | |
Real {m} (brasil. Währung) [fin.] | real (currency of Brazil) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Reais {pl} | 1. | reais {pl} | |
konkret; wirklich; real {adj} | concrete | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | konkrete Maßnahme | 1. | concrete action | |
richtig; richtiggehend; regelrecht {adj} | real; proper [Br.]; regular [dated] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
veritabel {adj} | veritable; real | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Immobilienbranche {f}; Immobiliensektor {m}; Immobilienhandel {m} [econ.] <Immobilienwirtschaft> | real property business [Br.]; real property industry [Br.]; (real) property sector [Br.]; real estate business [Am.]; real estate industry [Am.]; real estate sector [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||