German | English | |||
Elterntier {n} [agr.] [zool.] | parent animal; parent | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Elterntiere {pl} | 1. | parent animals; parent stock | |
Elter {n,m} [biol.] | parent | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Elternteil {n} [soc.] | parent | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Eltern {pl}; Elternpaar {n} | 1. | parents | |
2. | Adoptiveltern {pl} | 2. | adoptive parents | |
3. | Gasteltern {pl} | 3. | host parents | |
4. | minderjährige Eltern; Teenager-Eltern {pl} | 4. | teenage parents | |
5. | biologische Eltern | 5. | biological parents | |
6. | nicht-biologische Eltern | 6. | unnatural parents | |
7. | Rabeneltern {pl} [pej.] | 7. | uncaring parents | |
8. | meine alten Herrschaften [humor.]; meine Alten [slang] (Eltern) | 8. | my aged parents; my folks [Am.] | |
Stammhaus {n} | parent firm; parent house | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Stammhäuser {pl} | 1. | parent firms; parent houses | |
Konzernspitze {f} [econ.] | ultimate parent company; ultimate parent [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Konzernspitze im Inland | 1. | domestic ultimate parent [Am.] | |
Alleinerzieher {m}; Alleinerzieherin {f}; Alleinerziehender {m}; Alleinerziehende {f} [soc.] | single parent; lone parent | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Alleinerziehenden {pl}; Alleinerziehende | 1. | single parents; lone parents | |
Ausgangsgestein {n}; Muttergestein {n} [geol.] | parent rock; parent material | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Dachverband {m}; Dachorganisation {f} | umbrella association; umbrella organization; parent organization | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Dachverbände {pl}; Dachorganisationen {pl} | 1. | umbrella association; umbrella organizations; parent organizations | |
Familie {f} /Fam./; Angehörige {pl} | family | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Familien {pl} | 1. | families | |
2. | Einelternfamilie | 2. | single-parent family; lone-parent family [Br.] | |
3. | Kernfamilie {f} | 3. | nuclear family | |
4. | Großfamilie {f} | 4. | extended family | |
5. | Ersatzfamilie {f} | 5. | surrogate family | |
6. | Gastfamilie {f} | 6. | host family | |
7. | Familie (als Adresse) /Fam./ | 7. | Mr & Ms … [Br.]; Mr. & Ms. … [Am.] | |
8. | der engste Familienkreis; die engsten Angehörigen | 8. | the close family | |
9. | die Angehörigen der Opfer | 9. | the victims' families | |
10. | eine Familie mit drei Personen | 10. | a family of three | |
11. | eine Familie unterhalten | 11. | to keep a family | |
12. | eine Familie ernähren | 12. | to support a family | |
13. | seine Familie verlassen | 13. | to abandon one's family | |
14. | in der Familie liegen | 14. | to run in the family | |
15. | Familie, in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden | 15. | skip-generation family | |
16. | Du gehörst jetzt zur Familie. | 16. | Now you're one of the family. | |
17. | Das liegt in der Familie. | 17. | It runs in the family. | |
18. | Das kommt in den besten Familien vor. | 18. | It happens in the best families. | |
Mitteilungsheft {n} (Schule) | parent communication log | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Mitteilungshefte {pl} | 1. | parent communication logs | |