German | English | |||
Offizier {m}; Offizierin {f} [mil.] | officer | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Offiziere {pl}; Offizierinnen {pl} | 1. | officers | |
2. | Offizier werden | 2. | to become an (army) officer | |
3. | Offizier vom Dienst /OvD/ | 3. | duty officer | |
4. | Ordonnanzoffizier {m}; Ordonnanz {f} | 4. | orderly officer; orderly | |
5. | leitender Offizier | 5. | Officer Commanding /OC/ | |
6. | Offizier mittleren Ranges | 6. | warrant officer | |
7. | technischer Offizier | 7. | engineer officer | |
Angehöriger {m} einer Organisationseinheit/Dienststelle; Angestellte {m,f}; Angestellter {m} [adm.] | officer | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Angehörige {pl} einer Organisationseinheit/Dienststelle; Angestellten {pl}; Angestellte | 1. | officers | |
Polizeibeamter {m}; Polizist {m}; Ordnungshüter {m} | police officer; policeman; officer of the law | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Bundespolizist {m} | 1. | marshal [Am.] | |
2. | einfacher Polizist; Wachtmeister; Wachmann [Ös.] [ugs.]; Spinatwachter [Ös.] [slang] [veraltet] | 2. | police constable /PC/; constable; plod [Br.] [slang]; bobby [Br.] [dated]; flatfoot [slang] [dated] | |
3. | berittener Polizist {m} | 3. | mounted police officer; trooper [Am.] | |
4. | Kiez-Polizist [Dt.]; Gräzl-Polizist [Ös.]; Quartier-Polizist [Schw.] | 4. | neighbourhood police officer [Br.]; neighborhood police officer [Am.] /NPO/ | |
5. | irischer Polizeibeamter; irischer Polizist | 5. | Garda [Ir.] | |
6. | szenekundiger Polizeibeamter; in der Hooliganszene kundiger Polizeibeamter | 6. | police hooligan spotter | |
7. | Verkehrspolizist {m} | 7. | traffic policeman | |
Sachbearbeiter {m} (Kriminaldienst) | investigating officer; case officer; officer handling the case; officer in charge of the case; OIC of the/this case (CID) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sachbearbeiter {pl} | 1. | investigating officers; case officers; officers handling the case; officers in charge of the case; OICs of the/this case | |
Beamter {m}; Staatsbeamter {m}; Staatsdiener {m} [humor.] [adm.] | civil service employee; civil servant [Br.]; public officer [Am.]; public servant [Austr.] [NZ]; government official; government officer | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Beamten {pl}; Staatsbeamten {pl}; Staatsdiener {pl} | 1. | civil service employees; civil servants; public officers; public servants; government officials; government officers | |
2. | Bundesbeamter {m} | 2. | federal civil servant; federal officer; federal official | |
3. | leitende Beamte; Chefbeamte [Schw.] | 3. | senior officials | |
4. | Grenzschutzbeamter {m}; Grenzschutzbeamte {f} | 4. | border guard | |
5. | Beamte des Gerichtshofs | 5. | officers of the Tribunal | |
6. | Ministerialbeamter {m} | 6. | ministry official | |
Parlamentspräsident {m} [pol.] | presiding officer of the Parliament; speaker of the Parliament | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Parlamentspräsidenten {pl} | 1. | presiding officers of the Parliament; speakers of the Parliament | |
2. | Bundestagspräsident {m} [Dt.] | 2. | presiding officer/speaker of the German Bundestag | |
3. | Nationalratspräsident {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] | 3. | presiding officer/speaker of the Austrian/Swiss Parliament | |
Stabsoffizier {m} [mil.] | staff officer; field officer; field-grade officer [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Stabsoffiziere {pl} | 1. | staff officers; field officers; field-grade officers | |
Amtsarzt {m}; Amtsärztin {f} | public health officer; medical officer | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Amtsärzte {pl}; Amtsärztinnen {pl} | 1. | public health officers; medical officers | |
Betriebsleiter {m}; leitender Geschäftsführer | Chief Operating Officer; Chief Operations Officer /COO/ | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Brandschutzbeauftragter {m}; Brandschutzbeauftragte {f} | fire prevention officer; fire safety officer | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Brandschutzbeauftragten {pl} | 1. | fire prevention officers; fire safety officers | |