Translation of 'medical' - German English Dictionary

ärztliche Untersuchung {f}; medizinische Untersuchung {f} [med.]medical examination; medical; physical; check-up; checkup
1. ärztliche Untersuchungen {pl}; medizinische Untersuchungen {pl}1. medical examinations; medicals; physicals; check-ups; checkups
2. Durchuntersuchung {f}2. complete check-up; complete physical; complete medical
3. Einschulungsuntersuchung {f}3. pre-school medical examination
4. erste/zweite Kontrolluntersuchung4. first/second follow-up check-up
5. Routineuntersuchung {f}5. routine check-up; routine physical
6. Vorsorgeuntersuchung {f}; Gesundenuntersuchung {f}6. health screening; wellness screening; routine health check; routine health check-up
7. Vorsorgeuntersuchung für Kleinkinder7. child health review; well-child visit
medizinisch; ärztlich {adj} [med.]medical; med
1. medizinische Forschung1. medical research
2. ärztliche Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen2. to seek medical attention
Medizin…; Gesundheits…medical
Arzt {m}; Doktor {m} [ugs.]medical doctor /M.D./; doctor; medic [coll.]; physician
1. Ärzte {pl}; Doktoren {pl}1. medical doctors; doctors; medics; physicians
2. Ärztin {f}; Frau Doktor2. female doctor; lady doctor [rare]
3. Bahnarzt {m}3. railway doctor; railway medical officer [Br.]; railroad doctor [Am.]
4. Lagerarzt {m}4. camp doctor; camp medical officer [Br.]
5. der behandelnde Arzt5. the attending physician; the attending doctor
6. niedergelassener Arzt6. physician in private practice; registered doctor with his/her own practice
7. zum Arzt gehen7. to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
8. Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt {m} [Ös.]8. foundation house officer /FHO/ [Br.]; house officer [Br.]; houseman [Br.]; resident physician [Am.]; resident [Am.]
9. Arzt im ersten Praktikumsjahr; Turnusarzt im ersten Jahr [Ös.]9. pre-registration house officer [Br.]; intern [Am.]; first-year resident [Am.]
10. Arzt in der Ausbildung10. doctor-in-training
11. Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt11. doctor in charge; physician in charge
12. angehender Arzt12. doctor-to-be
13. Jungassistent {m}13. senior house officer /SHO/ [Br.]; resident [Am.]
14. Altassistent {m}14. registrar [Br.]; fellow [Am.]
15. Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.15. We sent for the doctor.
16. Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?16. Can you recommend a good family doctor?
17. Er war beim Arzt.17. He has been to see the doctor.
Ärztekammer {f}Medical Association; Medical Board; General Medical Council [Br.]
1. die Berufsordnung der Ärztekammer1. the Medical Association's professional code of conduct
Ärzteteam {n}; Ärztekollegium {n} [geh.] [selten] [med.]team of doctors; medical team; medical crew [Am.]
1. Ärzteteams {pl}; Ärztekollegien {pl}1. teams of doctors; medical teams; medical crews
ärztliches Attest [med.]medical certificate
1. ein ärztliches Attest ausstellen1. to issue a medical certificate
2. jdm. ein ärztliches Attest für den Arbeitgeber ausstellen2. to give sb. a medical certificate for their employer
3. sich ein ärztliches Attest für die Zeit seiner Abwesenheit ausstellen lassen3. to obtain a medical certificate for the time you would be away
Behandlungszentrum {n} [med.]treatment centre [Br.]; treatment center [Am.]; medical care centre [Br.]; medical care center [Am.]
1. Behandlungszentren {pl}1. treatment centres; treatment centers; medical care centres; medical care centers
Gesundheitszentrum {n}; medizinisches Versorgungszentrum {n}; Ärztezentrum {n} [med.]health care clinic; medical centre [Br.]; health centre [Br.]; medical center [Am.]; health center [Am.]
1. Gesundheitszentren {pl}; medizinische Versorgungszentren {pl}; Ärztezentren {pl}1. health care clinics; medical centres; health centres; medical centers; health centers
Medizinprodukt {n}; Medizingerät {n} [med.]medical product; medical device
1. Medizinprodukte {pl}; Medizingeräte {pl}1. medical products; medical devices