Translation of 'machine' - German English Dictionary

Maschine {f}machine
1. Maschinen {pl}1. machines
2. elektrische Maschinen2. electrical machines
3. elektrische Maschinen und Anlagen3. electrical machines and devices
4. Maschine mit Autokorrekturfunktion4. self-correcting machine
Kaffeemaschine {f} [cook.]coffee making machine; coffee maker; coffee machine
1. Kaffeemaschinen {pl}1. coffee making machines; coffee makers; coffee machines
2. Espressomaschine {f}2. espresso machine
3. Filterkaffeemaschine {f}3. filter coffee machine
4. Kaffeepad-Maschine {f}4. pod coffee machine; coffee pod machine; coffee pad machine
5. Kapselkaffeemaschine {f}5. capsule coffee machine; coffee capsule machine
6. Kaffeevollautomat {m}6. fully automated coffee machine; fully automatic coffee machine; bean-to-cup coffee machine
Nähmaschine {f} [textil.]sewing machine
1. Nähmaschinen {pl}1. sewing machines
2. Haushaltsnähmaschine {f}2. domestic sewing machine
3. Mehrnadel-Nähmaschine {f}3. multi-needle sewing machine
4. Säulennähmaschine {f}4. post-bed sewing machine
5. Steppstich-Nähmaschine; Steppstichmaschine {f}5. backsstitch machine; lockstitch machine: lockstitching machine
6. Überwendlich-Nähmaschine; Overlockmaschine {f}6. overlock (stitching) machine; overedge (stitching) machine; overedging machine; serger
Spulmaschine {f}; Spulautomat {m}; Wickelmaschine {f} [techn.] [textil.]winding machine; winder
1. Spulmaschinen {pl}; Spulautomaten {pl}; Wickelmaschinen {pl}1. winding machines; winders
2. Flaschenspulmaschine {f}2. bottle bobbin winding machine; bobbin winding machine; bobbin winder; winding machine for bottle bobbins
3. Kettenspulmaschine {f}3. warp winding machine; warp winding frame; warp winder
4. Knäuelmaschine {f}4. ball winding machine; balling machine; ball winder
5. Kötzerspulmaschine {f}; Kopsspulmaschine {f}5. cop winding machine; cop winder
Funkenerosionsmaschine {f}; Erodiermaschine {f} [techn.]eroding machine; electric discharge machine; electro-discharge machine; EDM machine
1. Funkenerosionsmaschinen {pl}; Erodiermaschinen {pl}1. eroding machines; electric discharge machines; electro-discharge machines; EDM machines
2. Drahterodiermaschine {f}2. wire eroding machine; wire EDM machine
Maschinengewehr {n} /MG/ [mil.]machine gun
1. Maschinengewehre {pl} /MG/1. machine guns
2. leichtes Maschinengewehr2. light machine gun
3. mittelschweres Maschinengewehr3. medium machine gune
4. schweres Maschinengewehr4. heavy machine gune
5. mit Maschinengewehr schießen5. to machine-gun
Maschinenwärter {m}; Maschinist {m}; Maschinenbediener {m} [mach.]machine attendant; machine tender; machine operator [Am.]
1. Maschinenwärter {pl}; Maschinisten {pl}; Maschinenbediener {pl}1. machine attendants; machine tenders; machine operators
Mensch-Maschine… [comp.]man-machine; human-machine
1. Mensch-Maschine-Dialog {m}1. man-machine communications; human-machine communication
2. Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle {f}2. man-machine interface; human-machine interface /HMI/
Maschinenelement {n} [techn.]machine element; machine part; machine component
1. Maschinenelemente {pl}1. machine elements; machine parts; machine components
Bankautomat {m}; Geldausgabeautomat {m} /GAA/; Geldautomat {m} [Dt.] [Schw.]; EC-Automat {m} [Dt.]; Bankomat {m} [Ös.]; Bancomat {m} [Schw.]; Postomat {m} [Schw.] [fin.]automated teller machine /ATM/; automatic teller machine; automatic teller; autoteller; automatic cash dispenser [Br.]; cash dispensing machine [Br.]; cash dispenser [Br.]; cash machine [Br.]; cashpoint [Br.] [tm]; automated banking machine /ABM/ [Can.]
1. Bankautomaten {pl}; Geldausgabeautomaten {pl}; Geldautomaten {pl}; EC-Automaten {pl}; Bankomaten {pl}; Bancomaten {pl}; Postomaten {pl}1. automated teller machines; automatic teller machines; automatic tellers; autotellers; automatic cash dispensers; cash dispensing machines; cash dispensers; cash machines; cashpoints; automated banking machines
2. Geldautomat im Innenbereich; Foyer-Geldausgabeautomat [Ös.]; Foyer-Automat [Ös.]2. indoor ATM; lobby ATM
3. einen Geldautomaten / Bankomaten sprengen3. to blow up an ATM / a cash dispenser