German | English | |||
lang; weit {adj} | long | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | länger; weiter | 1. | longer | |
2. | am längsten; am weitesten | 2. | longest | |
3. | ellenlang [ugs.]; sehr lang {adj} | 3. | incredibly long | |
lange {adv} | long | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | lange vorher | 1. | long before | |
2. | Wie lange noch? | 2. | How much longer? | |
Fernfahrer {m}; Fernlastfahrer {m}; Kapitän der Landstraße {m} [humor.] [transp.] | long-distance lorry driver; long-haul truck driver [Am.]; long-haul trucker [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Fernfahrer {pl}; Fernlastfahrer {pl} | 1. | long-distance lorry drivers; long-haul truck drivers; long-haul truckers | |
Langstreckenflug {m} [aviat.] | long-distance flight; long-haul flight; long-range flight | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Langstreckenflüge {pl} | 1. | long-distance flights; long-haul flights; long-range flights | |
Pflegestufe {f}; Pflegegrad {m} [Dt.] (in der staatlichen Pflegeversicherung) [med.] | long-term care level (in the national long-term care insurance scheme) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Pflegestufen {pl}; Pflegegrade {pl} | 1. | long-term care levels | |
2. | Pflegestufe 2; Pflegegrad 2 | 2. | long-term care level 2; level 2 long-term care; level 2 for long-term care insurance | |
Dauerparker {m} [auto] | long-term parker; long-stay parker [Br.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Dauerparker {pl} | 1. | long-term parkers; long-stay parkers | |
eine Sache mit geringen Erfolgsaussichten {f} | a long shot [fig.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Ich weiß, dass die Chancen gering sind, aber ich möchte meine Gewinne verdoppeln. | 1. | I want to double my profits, but I know that's a long shot. | |
2. | Groß ist die Chance zwar nicht, aber du könntest versuchen, ihn im Wochenendhaus zu erreichen. | 2. | It's a long shot, but you could try reaching him at his weekend house. | |
3. | Ohne Voranmeldung einen Termin zu bekommen, ist meist ziemlich aussichtslos. | 3. | It's always a long shot getting an appointment with no notice. | |
Fernreisender {m} [transp.] | long-haul traveller [Br.]; long-distance traveler [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Fernreisenden {pl} | 1. | long-haul travellers; long-distance travelers | |
Fernverkehr {m} [transp.] | long-distance traffic; long-distance transport; long-distance travel (passengers) <longdistance traffic> <long distance traffic> | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Langohrfledermäuse {pl} (Plecotus) (zoologische Gattung) | long-eared bats (zoological genus) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Braunes Langohr {n} (Plecotus auritus) | 1. | brown long-eared bat; common long-eared bat | |
2. | Graues Langohr {n} (Plecotus austriacus) | 2. | grey long-eared bat | |