German | English | |||
Sortierschlüssel {m}; Kennbegriff {m} (eines Datensatzes) [comp.] | sorting key; key (of a record) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Primärschlüssel {m}; primärer Kennbegriff; Kennbegriff mit der höchsten Priorität | 1. | primary sorting key; primary key; key with the highest priority | |
2. | Sekundärschlüssel {m}; sekundärer Kennbegriff | 2. | secondary sorting key; secondary key | |
3. | alternativer Schlüssel; alternativer Kennbegriff | 3. | alternate sorting key; alternate key | |
4. | bestimmender Schlüssel; bestimmender Kennbegriff | 4. | candidate key | |
Schlüssel {m} (zu/für etw.) | key (to sth.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Schlüssel {pl} | 1. | keys | |
2. | berührungsloser Schlüssel [auto] | 2. | proximity key | |
3. | parazentrischer Schlüssel | 3. | paracentric key | |
4. | Berliner Schlüssel; Schließzwangschlüssel {m} [hist.] | 4. | Berlin key | |
5. | Buntbartschlüssel {m}; Bartschlüssel {m} | 5. | mortice key | |
6. | Vollschlüssel {f} | 6. | key with a solid shank | |
7. | Schlüsselrohr {n}; Tülle {f} | 7. | nozzle of a/the key | |
8. | den Schlüssel abziehen; herausziehen | 8. | to pull off the key | |
9. | Ich kann dir einen Ersatzschlüssel zum Lager/für das Lager borgen. | 9. | I can lend you a spare key to the store. | |
Tonart {f} [mus.] | key | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Tonarten {pl} | 1. | keys | |
2. | Tonart Es-Dur | 2. | key of E-flat major | |
3. | verwandte Tonart | 3. | related key | |
4. | Paralleltonart {f} (zu einer bestimmten Tonart) | 4. | relative key (of a given key) | |
5. | Varianttonart {f} (zu einer bestimmten Tonart); Tonart mit gleichem Grundton | 5. | parallel key (of a given key); key having the same tonic note | |
6. | von (der Tonart) C-Dur nach D-Dur transponieren | 6. | to transpose from (the key of) C major to D major | |
Taste {f} | key | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Tasten {pl} | 1. | keys | |
2. | Eingabetaste {f}; Entertaste {f} | 2. | enter key | |
3. | feststellbare/arretierbare/einrastende Taste {f} [techn.] [comp.] | 3. | locking key; stay-down key | |
4. | Schwenktaste {f} | 4. | non-latching key | |
5. | Urladetaste {f} [comp.] | 5. | bootstrap initialization key | |
6. | die Umschalttaste und die gleichzeitig gedrückte Pfeil-hinauf-Taste | 6. | the shift and the up arrow key pressed together | |
Lösung {f} | key [fig.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | des Rätsels Lösung | 1. | the key to the mystery | |
Passfeder {f} [techn.] | key; fitted key | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Passfedern {pl} | 1. | keys; fitted keys | |
kleine Insel; Korallenriff {n}; Korallenbank {f} | key; cay | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | die Florida Keys | 1. | the Florida Keys | |
Keil {m} (Verbindungselement) [techn.] | key | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Klappe {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] | key (wind instrument) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Klappen {pl} | 1. | keys | |
Schlüssel…; Haupt… | key | |||
Examples | Examples | |||