German | English | |||
Insekt {n}; Kerbtier {n} [zool.] | insect | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Insekten {pl}; Kerbtiere {pl} | 1. | insects | |
2. | Nutzinsekt {n} | 2. | beneficial insect | |
3. | Schadinsekt {n} | 3. | pest insect | |
Insekt {n}; Krabbeltier {n}; Viech {n} [Süddt.] [Ös.] | bug [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Insekten {pl}; Krabbeltiere {pl}; Viecher {pl} | 1. | bugs | |
stylopisiertes Insekt | stylopized insect | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Saugrüssel {m}; Rüssel {m} (Insekt) [anat.] [zool.] | proboscis (insect) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Saugrüssel {pl}; Rüssel {pl} | 1. | probosces | |
Stich {m} (von einem Insekt/Tierstachel) [zool.] | sting (from an insect or an animal's spine) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Stiche {pl} | 1. | stings | |
2. | Seeigelstich {m} | 2. | sea urchin sting | |
kurzlebiges Insekt {n} [zool.] | ephemerid; ephemeropteran | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
stechen {vt} (Insekt) | to sting {stung; stung} (of an insect) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | stechend | 1. | stinging | |
2. | gestochen | 2. | stung | |
3. | es sticht | 3. | it stings | |
4. | es stach | 4. | it stung | |
5. | es hat/hatte gestochen | 5. | it has/had stung | |
zirpen {vi} (Insekt) [zool.] | to chirr; to churr; to chirp (insect) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | zirpend | 1. | chirring; churring; chirping | |
2. | gezirpt | 2. | chirred; churred; chirped | |
3. | zirpt | 3. | chirrs; churrs; chirps | |
4. | zirpten | 4. | chirred; churred; chirped | |