German | English | |||
Geschichte {f}; Historie {f} [geh.] [hist.] | history | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | die Nachkriegsgeschichte {f} | 1. | the post-war history | |
2. | der Lauf der Geschichte | 2. | the course of history | |
3. | Geschichte von unten | 3. | history from below; grassroots history | |
4. | in die Geschichte eingehen | 4. | to go down in history | |
5. | Geschichte sein; passé sein [übtr.] | 5. | to be history [fig.] | |
6. | Es wird gerade Geschichte geschrieben. | 6. | History is in the making. | |
7. | … und der Rest ist Geschichte. (allgemein bekannt) | 7. | … and the rest is (, as we say,) history (well-known) | |
Vorleben {n}; Vergangenheit {f} (einer Person) [soc.] | history; antecedents (of a person) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | in der Vergangenheit etw. getan haben | 1. | to have a history of sth. | |
2. | der Erwerbsverlauf; die früheren Beschäftigungsverhältnisse von jdm. | 2. | the employment history of sb. | |
3. | der Bonitätsverlauf von jdm. | 3. | the credit history of sb. | |
4. | In seiner Familie traten immer wieder Herzkrankheiten auf. | 4. | His family has a history of heart disease.; He has a family history of heart disease. | |
5. | Der Pornodarsteller ist schon früher mit Gewalttaten in Erscheinung getreten. | 5. | The porn actor has a history of violence. | |
Verlauf {m} [comp.] | history | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Browserverlauf {m} | 1. | browser history | |
2. | Chatverlauf {m} | 2. | chat history | |
Werdegang {m} | development; history | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Museum {n} | museum | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Museen {pl} | 1. | museums | |
2. | Architekturmuseum {n} | 2. | architecture museum; architectural museum | |
3. | Computerspielemuseum {n} | 3. | computer games museum | |
4. | Geschichtsmuseum {n}; historisches Museum | 4. | museum of history; history museum; historic museum | |
5. | Gewürzmuseum {n} | 5. | spice museum | |
6. | Heimatmuseum {n} | 6. | local museum; museum of local history | |
7. | Meeresmuseum {n}; Meereskundemuseum {n} | 7. | maritime museum | |
8. | Naturkundemuseum {n} | 8. | museum of natural history | |
9. | Naturmuseum {n} | 9. | nature museum | |
10. | Salzmuseum {n} | 10. | salt museum | |
11. | Schokoladenmuseum {n} | 11. | chocolate museum | |
12. | Spezialmuseum {n} | 12. | special museum | |
13. | Technikmuseum {n} | 13. | technical museum; museum of technology | |
heeresgeschichtlich {adj} [mil.] [hist.] | of military history; military history … | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | heeresgeschichtliches Museum | 1. | museum of military history; military history museum | |
Sprachgeschichte {f} | history of language; language history; history of the language (if a given language) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Krankengeschichte {f}; Krankheitsgeschichte {f}; Anamnese {f} [med.] | medical history; health history; case history; history of the patient; anamnesis | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | biographische Anamnese | 1. | biographical anamnesis | |
2. | epidemiologische Anamnese | 2. | epidemiologic history | |
3. | Impfanamnese {f} | 3. | vaccination history | |
4. | zahnärztliche Anamnese | 4. | dental history | |
5. | die Krankengeschichte erheben | 5. | to explore / compile / take the history of the patient | |
konkret; handfest; greifbar; erlebbar {adj} [übtr.] | tangible [fig.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | konkrete Ergebnisse | 1. | tangible results | |
2. | greifbarer Kundennutzen | 2. | tangible customer benefit | |
3. | Wir haben keine handfesten Beweise für seine Schuld. | 3. | We have no tangible evidence/proof of his guilt. | |
4. | Ich brauche konkrete/handfeste Ergebnisse. | 4. | I need tangible results. | |
5. | Geschichte usw. (für jdn.) erlebbar machen | 5. | to make history etc. tangible (to/for sb.); to make history etc. a tangible experience (for sb.); to give/offer sb. a tangible experience of history etc. | |
6. | Damit wird die Vergangenheit für die Kinder erlebbar. | 6. | Thus, the children gain a tangible experience of the past. | |
vorbelastet sein {v} (Person) | to have a past to contend with; to have an incriminating background/past/history (person) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | kriminell vorbelastet sein | 1. | to have a criminal background/past | |
2. | gesundheitlich vorbelastet sein | 2. | to have a medical history | |
3. | psychisch vorbelastet sein | 3. | to have a history of psychological problems | |