German | English | |||
Einflussfaktor {m}; Einfluss {m} | factor; bottleneck factor; influencing factor; vector | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Einflussfaktoren {pl}; Einflüsse {pl} | 1. | factors; bottleneck factors; influencing factors; vectors | |
Faktor {m} | factor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Faktoren {pl} | 1. | factors | |
2. | bestimmender Faktor; Bestimmungsfaktor {m} | 2. | determining factor | |
3. | entscheidender Faktor (bei etw.) | 3. | key element (in sth.) | |
4. | kritischer Faktor; Engpassfaktor {m} | 4. | critical factor | |
5. | einer der schwierigsten Faktoren | 5. | one of the most difficult factors | |
Teiler {m} [math.] | factor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | gemeinsamer Teiler | 1. | common factor | |
2. | größter gemeinsamer Teiler (ggT) [math.] | 2. | greatest common divisor /GCD/ | |
3. | niederwertiger Teiler | 3. | divisor latch low | |
Verkaufskommissionär {m}; Kommissionär {m} (bei einem Kommissionsgeschäft) [econ.] | commission agent; commission merchant; factor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Verkaufskommissionäre {pl}; Kommissionäre {pl} | 1. | commission agents; commission merchants; factors | |
2. | Kommissionsvertreter {m}; Kommissionsagent {m} (Kommissionär in festem Dienstverhältnis) | 2. | regular commission agent; regular commission merchant; permanently employed factor | |
Wirkfaktor {m} | factor; impact factor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Wirkfaktoren {pl} | 1. | factors; impact factors | |
2. | die entscheidenden ökologischen Wirkfaktoren | 2. | the decisive environmental factors | |
Factoring-Unternehmen {n}; Factoring-Institut {n} [econ.] | factoring company; factor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Factoring-Unternehmen {pl}; Factoring-Institute {pl} | 1. | factoring companies; factors | |
Scheitelfaktor {m} [electr.] | peak factor; crest factor; amplitude factor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Quadrat des Scheitelfaktors | 1. | peak-to-average power ratio /PAPR/ | |
Störfaktor {m} | factor of disturbance; disruptive factor/element; disruptive influence; disturbing factor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Störfaktoren {pl} | 1. | factors of disturbance; disruptive factors/elements; disruptive influences; disturbing factors | |
dielektrischer Verlustfaktor {m}; Verlustfaktor {m}; Tangens {m} des Verlustwinkels [electr.] | dissipation factor; dielectric loss factor; loss factor; tangent of loss angle; loss tangent | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Verseilfaktor {m} (Hebetechnik) | spinning loss factor; stranding factor; realizeation factor; Jona effect (hoisting) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||