German | English | |||
Arzt {m}; Doktor {m} [ugs.] | medical doctor /M.D./; doctor; medic [coll.]; physician | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Ärzte {pl}; Doktoren {pl} | 1. | medical doctors; doctors; medics; physicians | |
2. | Ärztin {f}; Frau Doktor | 2. | female doctor; lady doctor [rare] | |
3. | Bahnarzt {m} | 3. | railway doctor; railway medical officer [Br.]; railroad doctor [Am.] | |
4. | Lagerarzt {m} | 4. | camp doctor; camp medical officer [Br.] | |
5. | der behandelnde Arzt | 5. | the attending physician; the attending doctor | |
6. | niedergelassener Arzt | 6. | physician in private practice; registered doctor with his/her own practice | |
7. | zum Arzt gehen | 7. | to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's | |
8. | Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt {m} [Ös.] | 8. | foundation house officer /FHO/ [Br.]; house officer [Br.]; houseman [Br.]; resident physician [Am.]; resident [Am.] | |
9. | Arzt im ersten Praktikumsjahr; Turnusarzt im ersten Jahr [Ös.] | 9. | pre-registration house officer [Br.]; intern [Am.]; first-year resident [Am.] | |
10. | Arzt in der Ausbildung | 10. | doctor-in-training | |
11. | Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt | 11. | doctor in charge; physician in charge | |
12. | angehender Arzt | 12. | doctor-to-be | |
13. | Jungassistent {m} | 13. | senior house officer /SHO/ [Br.]; resident [Am.] | |
14. | Altassistent {m} | 14. | registrar [Br.]; fellow [Am.] | |
15. | Wir ließen den Arzt kommen. | 15. | We sent for the doctor. | |
16. | Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen? | 16. | Can you recommend a good family doctor? | |
17. | Er war beim Arzt. | 17. | He has been to see the doctor. | |
Kirchenlehrer {m}; Kirchenlehrerin {f} [relig.] | Doctor of the Church; Doctor | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Betreuer {m}; Betreuerin {f} (im Sport) | doctor; physio | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Arztkoffer {m} [med.] | doctor's kit; doctor's case | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Arztkoffer {pl} | 1. | doctor's kits; doctor's cases | |
Ehrendoktorwürde {f} | degree of honorary doctor; honorary doctor's degree; honorary doctorate | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | jdm. die Ehrendoktorwürde verleihen | 1. | to confer the honorary doctor's degree on sb. | |
2. | den Ehrendoktor in Jura/Jus [Ös.] [Schw.] verliehen bekommen | 2. | to receive the honorary degree of doctor of law | |
Krankschreibung {f}; Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung {f} [adm.]; Krankheitsattest {n}; Arztzeugnis {n} [Schw.]; Krankenschein {m} [ugs.] [adm.] [med.] | medical statement; doctor's certificate; illness certificate; sickness certificate; sick certificate; doctor's note; sick note [Br.]; fit note [Br.] [adm.]; statement of fitness for work [Br.] [adm.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Krankschreibungen {pl}; Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungen {pl}; Krankheitsatteste {pl}; Arztzeugnisse {pl} | 1. | medical statements; doctor's certificates; illness certificates; sickness certificates; sick certificates; doctor's notes; sick notes; fit notes; statements of fitness for work | |
Witz {m} | joke | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Witze {pl} | 1. | jokes | |
2. | Arztwitz {m} | 2. | doctor joke; doctor-doctor joke; 'A-man-goes-to-the-doctor' joke | |
3. | Flachwitz {m} [ugs.] | 3. | anti-joke | |
4. | Insiderwitz {m} <Insider> | 4. | in-joke; inside joke | |
5. | einen Witz erzählen | 5. | to tell a joke | |
6. | abgedroschener Witz; alter Witz | 6. | stale joke | |
7. | verfänglicher Witz; schlüpfriger Witz | 7. | off-color joke | |
8. | Opfer eines Witzes; Zielscheibe eines Witzes | 8. | butt of a joke | |
9. | Witze reißen; Witze machen | 9. | to crack jokes | |
10. | ein Pointenfeuerwerk {n} | 10. | a (non-stop) barrage of jokes | |
Arzt-Patient-Beziehung {f} [med.] | doctor-patient-relationship; doctor-patient relation | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Arzt-Patient-Beziehungen {pl} | 1. | doctor-patient-relationships | |
Arztpraxis {f}; Ordination {f} [Ös.]; Arztambulatorium {n} [Südtirol] [med.] | medical practice; doctor's surgery [Br.]; medical office [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Arztpraxen {pl}; Ordinationen {pl}; Arztambulatorien {pl} | 1. | medical practices; doctor's surgeries; medical offices | |
2. | Privatpraxis {f} | 2. | private practice | |
3. | Sentinella-Praxis {f}; Beobachungspraxis {f} (Epidemiologie) | 3. | sentinel practice (epidemiology) | |
4. | eine Arztpraxis / Ordination [Ös.] / ein Arztambulatorium [Südtirol] übernehmen | 4. | to take over a medical practice/doctor's surgery [Br.] / medical office [Am.] | |
etw. manipulieren; frisieren [ugs.]; fälschen [ugs.] {vt} (verfälschen) | to manipulate sth.; to tamper with sth.; to doctor sth.; to massage sth.; to rig; to cook sth. [coll.]; to fudge sth. [coll.]; to fiddle [Br.] [coll.]; to rort sth. [Austr.] [NZ] (alter) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | manipulierend; frisierend; fälschend | 1. | manipulating; tampering with; doctoring; massaging; rigging; cooking; fudging; fiddling; rorting | |
2. | manipuliert; frisiert; gefälscht | 2. | manipulated; tampered with; doctored; massaged; rigged; cooked; fudged; fiddled; rorted | |
3. | Unterlagen frisieren | 3. | to doctor documents | |
4. | Fotos retouchieren/manipulieren | 4. | to doctor photographs | |
5. | die Beweise fälschen | 5. | to cook the evidence | |
6. | die Akten manipulieren | 6. | to falsify the records | |
7. | die Bücher fälschen [econ.] | 7. | to cook/fudge the books | |
8. | Später stellte sich heraus, dass der Kassenwart die Zahlen frisiert hatte. | 8. | It was later discovered that the treasurer had fudged the figures. | |