German | English | |||
Tod {m}; Lebensende {n}; Exitus {m} [med.] | death; exitus | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | biologischer Tod | 1. | biological death | |
2. | genetischer Tod | 2. | genetic death | |
3. | Hungertod {m} | 3. | death by/from famine; death by/from starvation | |
4. | juristischer Tod | 4. | legal death | |
5. | klinischer Tod | 5. | clinical death | |
6. | normaler Tod | 6. | normal death; orthothanasia | |
7. | örtlicher Tod (von Körperteilen) | 7. | local death (of body parts) | |
8. | perinataler Tod | 8. | perinatal death | |
9. | plötzlicher Tod (Mors subitanea) | 9. | sudden death | |
10. | schmerzhafter Tod | 10. | painful death; dystanasia | |
11. | Bergungstod {m} | 11. | post-rescue death | |
12. | Erfrierungstod {m}; Tod durch Erfrieren | 12. | death by (cold-weather) exposure; death from exposure to cold | |
13. | Hitzetod {m} | 13. | heat death; thermal death; death due to/linked to/as a result of exposure to hot weather | |
14. | Infarkttod {m}; Tod durch Herzinfarkt | 14. | death from (cardiac) infarction | |
15. | Strahlungstod {m}; Tod durch Strahlung | 15. | death by radiation | |
16. | Tod im Kindbett; Tod der Mutter bei der Geburt | 16. | maternal death | |
17. | Unfalltod {m}; Tod durch Unfall | 17. | accidental death; death by accident | |
18. | sofortiger Eintritt des Todes | 18. | immediate death | |
19. | bei Eintritt des Todes | 19. | at death | |
20. | bis ans Lebensende; bis an sein Lebensende | 20. | until your death | |
21. | zum Tode führen (Sache) | 21. | to lead to death (of a thing) | |
22. | an der Schwelle des Todes | 22. | at death's door | |
23. | dem Tode ins Auge sehen | 23. | to come face to face with death | |
24. | „Tod den Spaniern! Es lebe die Unabhängigkeit!“ [hist.] | 24. | "Death to Spain! Long live independence!" | |
Todesfall {m} [adm.] [med.] | case of death; death | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Todesfälle {pl} | 1. | cases of death; deaths | |
2. | Todesfälle durch Schusswaffengebrauch | 2. | shooting deaths | |
3. | eingetretene Todesfälle | 3. | actual deaths | |
4. | im Todesfall | 4. | in (the) case of death; in the event of death | |
Sterben {n} | death; dying | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Angst vor dem Sterben | 1. | fear of death; fear of dying | |
Todesfall {m}; Sterbefall {m} [adm.]; Trauerfall {m} [soc.] | death; bereavement | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Todesfälle {pl}; Sterbefälle {pl}; Trauerfälle {pl} | 1. | deaths; bereavements | |
2. | einen Todesfall/Trauerfall in der Familie haben | 2. | to have a death in the family | |
3. | Personen, die kürzlich einen Todesfall (in der Familie) hatten | 3. | people who have recently suffered bereavements | |
verbluten {vi} [med.] (Mensch) | to bleed to death | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | verblutend | 1. | bleeding to death | |
2. | verblutet | 2. | bled to death | |
3. | er/sie verblutet | 3. | he/she bleeds to death | |
4. | ich/er/sie verblutete | 4. | I/he/she bled to death | |
5. | er/sie ist/war verblutet | 5. | he/she has/had bled to death | |
Todesstrafe {f} [jur.] | death penalty; penality of death; capital punishment | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Abschaffung der Todesstrafe | 1. | abolition of the death penalty | |
2. | Beibehaltung der Todesstrafe | 2. | retention of capital punishment | |
3. | Medikamente zur Vollstreckung der Todesstrafe | 3. | death-penalty drugs | |
4. | gegen jdn. auf Todesstrafe erkennen | 4. | to pass a sentence of death on sb. | |
5. | die Todesstrafe in lebenslange Haft umwandeln | 5. | to commute a death sentence into one of life imprisonment | |
6. | die Todesstrafe wieder einführen | 6. | to reintroduce the death penality | |
7. | bei Todesstrafe verboten sein | 7. | to be forbidden/not allowed on penality of death | |
jdn. erdrosseln; strangulieren {vt} | to throttle sb.; to strangle sb.; to choke sb. to death | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | erdrosselnd; strangulierend | 1. | throttling; strangling; choking to death | |
2. | erdrosselt; stranguliert | 2. | throttled; strangled; choked to death | |
3. | erdrosselt; stranguliert | 3. | throttles; strangles; chokes to death | |
4. | erdrosselte; strangulierte | 4. | throttled; strangled; choked to death | |
erfrieren {vi} | to freeze {froze; frozen} to death | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | erfrierend | 1. | freezing to death | |
2. | erfroren | 2. | frozen to death | |
3. | erfriert | 3. | freezes to death | |
4. | erfror | 4. | froze to death | |
jdn. erschießen {vt} [mil.] | to shoot sb. dead; to shoot sb. to death; to shoot and kill sb. | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | erschießend | 1. | shooting dead; shooting to death; shooting and killing | |
2. | erschossen | 2. | shot dead; shot to death; shot and killed | |
3. | erschießt | 3. | shoots dead; shoots to death; shoots and kills | |
4. | erschoss | 4. | shot dead; shot to death; shot and killed | |
Sterbeurkunde {f}; (amtliche) Todesbescheinigung {f} [adm.] | death certificate; certificate of death | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Sterbeurkunden {pl}; Todesbescheinigungen {pl} | 1. | death certificates; certificates of death | |