German | English | |||
Durchstich {m} (Wasserbau) | cut-off; cut (water engineering) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Mäanderdurchstich {m} | 1. | meander cut-off | |
2. | Probedurchstich {m} | 2. | pilot cut | |
Hieb {m} (Fechten) [sport] | cut (fencing) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | durchgezogener Bauchhieb | 1. | banderolle cut | |
2. | Kopfhieb {m} | 2. | cut to the head | |
3. | Rückschneidehieb {m} | 3. | reverse cut | |
4. | Vorhieb {m}; Arret {m} | 4. | stop-hit; arrest | |
Schnittfassung {f}; Fassung {f} (eines Films) <Filmschnitt> | cut (of a film) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Rohfassung {f} | 1. | editor's cut | |
2. | Vorfassung {f} | 2. | director's cut /DC/ | |
3. | Endfassung {f} | 3. | final cut | |
Einschneiden {n}; Einschnitt {m}; Schnitt {m}; Inzision {f} [med.] | cut; incision | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Hautschnitt {m}; Hauteinschnitt {m}; Hautinzision {f} | 1. | skin incision | |
2. | Kanavel'scher Schnitt | 2. | Kanavel's incision | |
3. | Probeeinschnitt {m}; Probeinzision {f} | 3. | exploratory incision | |
4. | Inzision und Drainage | 4. | incision and drainage | |
5. | den Schnitt erweitern | 5. | to extent / to expand the incision | |
6. | etw. durch Schnitt eröffnen | 6. | to cut sth. open | |
Schnitt {m} | cut; cutting | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Schnitte {pl} | 1. | cuts; cuttings | |
2. | chirurgischer Schnitt [med.] | 2. | surgical cut | |
Abheben {n} (eines Spielkartenstoßes vor dem Geben) | cut (dividing a pack of playing cards into two before dealing) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
mähen {vt} | to cut {cut; cut} | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | mähend | 1. | cutting | |
2. | gemäht | 2. | cut | |
3. | Rasen mähen | 3. | to cut grass | |
jdn. zutiefst treffen; bis ins Innerste verletzen; im Innersten erschüttern {vt} | to deeply hurt sb.; to cut sb. to the quick:; to cut sb. to the bone | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Jemandem zu verzeihen, der einen tief verletzt hat, ist eines der schwierigsten Dinge, die es gibt. | 1. | Forgiving someone who has deeply hurt you, is one of the hardest things to do. | |
2. | Ich war von seinem mangelnden Vertrauen in mich zutiefst getroffen. | 2. | I was cut to the quick by his lack of confidence in me. | |
3. | Er war von ihrem grausamen Tod im Innersten erschüttert. | 3. | He was cut to the quick by their cruel deaths. | |
4. | Wenn sie darauf aus war, ihn zutiefst zu verletzen, dann war ihr das hundertprozentig gelungen. | 4. | If she had set out to cut him to the quick then she had certainly done a good job of it. | |
Abstechdrehmaschine {f}; Abstechmaschine {f} [mach.] | cut-off lathe; cut-off machine | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Abstechdrehmaschinen {pl}; Abstechmaschinen {pl} | 1. | cut-off lathes; cut-off machines | |
Brustkern {m} (Teilstück vom Rind) [cook.] | centre cut brisket (beef cut) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Brustkern mit Knochen | 1. | centre cut boned brisket | |
2. | Brustkern ohne Knochen | 2. | centre cut brisket without bone | |