German | English | |||
Computer {m}; Rechner {m} [comp.] | computer | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Computer {pl}; Rechner {pl} | 1. | computers | |
2. | Hochleistungsrechner {m} | 2. | high-performance computer | |
3. | persönlicher Computer /PC/; Personalcomputer {m} [selten]; Einzelrecher {m} | 3. | personal computer /PC/ | |
4. | Skalarrechner {m} | 4. | scalar computer | |
5. | Universalrechner {m} | 5. | general-purpose computer | |
6. | CISC-Rechner; Rechner mit uneingeschränktem Befehlsvorrat | 6. | complex instruction set computer /CISC/ | |
7. | RISC-Rechner; Rechner mit eingeschränktem Befehlsvorrat | 7. | reduced instruction set computer /RISC/ | |
8. | Computer mit Stifteingabe | 8. | pen computer; penabled computer | |
9. | einen Computer hochfahren; hochstarten; booten | 9. | to boot; to boot up; to start up a computer | |
10. | den Computer einschalten/starten | 10. | to power up/start the computer | |
11. | arbeitender Rechner | 11. | active computer | |
12. | Ich sitze am Computer. | 12. | I'm sitting at the computer. | |
13. | Ich arbeite gerade am Computer. | 13. | I'm working on the computer. | |
14. | Die Daten sind im Computer gespeichert. | 14. | The details are stored on computer. | |
15. | Bestellungen können über Computer gemacht werden. | 15. | Orders may be placed by computer. | |
Computergehäuse {n} [comp.] | computer case; computer cabinet; computer chassis | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Computergehäusen {pl} | 1. | computer cases; computer cabinets; computer chassis | |
Narr {m}; Freak {m}; Junkie {m}; Spezialist {m} (in Zusammensetzungen) | nerd [coll.]; nurd [coll.]; freak; boffin [Br.] [coll.]; geek [Am.] [coll.]; wonk [Am.] [coll.] (in compounds) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Narren {pl}; Freaks {pl}; Junkies {pl}; Spezialisten {pl} | 1. | nerds; nurds; freaks; boffins; geeks; wonks | |
2. | Computernarr {m}; Computerfreak {m}; Computerversessener {m} | 2. | computer freak; computer nerd; computer geek; computer boffin [Br.]; computer wonk [Am.] | |
3. | Grammatikspezialist {m} | 3. | grammar nerd; grammar freak; grammar geek [Am.]; grammar wonk [Am.] | |
4. | Politikjunkie {m} | 4. | policy nerd; policy freak; policy boffin [Br.] policy wonk [Am.] | |
Taschencomputer {m}; Palmtop-Computer {m} [comp.] | handheld computer; palmtop computer; personal digital assistant; PDA computer | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Taschencomputer {pl}; Palmtop-Computer {pl} | 1. | handheld computers; palmtop computers; personal digital assistants; PDA computers | |
Zentralrechner {m}; Hauptrechner {m}; Leitrechner {m}; Wirtsrechner {m}; Hostrechner {m} (in einem Netzwerk) [comp.] | central computer; main computer; master computer; mainframe computer; host computer; host [coll.] (in a network, supporting workstations) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Zentralrechner {pl}; Hauptrechner {pl}; Leitrechner {pl}; Wirtsrechner {pl}; Hostrechner {pl} | 1. | central computers; main computers; master computers; mainframe computers; host computers; hosts | |
Computergeschäft {n}; Computerladen {m} | computer shop; computer store | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Computergeschäfte {pl}; Computerläden {pl} | 1. | computer shops; computer stores | |
Computertomograf {m}; Computertomograph {m} [med.] | computer-assisted tomograph; CT scanner; computer tomography scanner | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Computertomografen {pl}; Computertomographen {pl} | 1. | computer-assisted tomographs; CT scanners; computer tomography scanners | |
Computer-Hersteller {m}; PC-Hersteller {m} [comp.] | computer maker | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Computer-Hersteller {pl}; PC-Hersteller {pl} | 1. | computer makers | |
Einplatzrechner {m}; Einplatzsystem {n}; Einbenutzersystem {n} [comp.] | stand-alone computer/system; single-station computer/system; single-position computer/system; single user computer/system; single-terminal system | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Großrechner {m} [comp.] | large-scale computer; large computer; mainframe computer; mainframe | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Großrechner {pl} | 1. | large-scale computers; large computers; mainframe computers; mainframes | |
2. | Quantengroßrechner {m} | 2. | large-scale quantum computer | |