Translation of 'computer' - German English Dictionary

Computer {m}; Rechner {m} [comp.]computer
1. Computer {pl}; Rechner {pl}1. computers
2. Hochleistungsrechner {m}2. high-performance computer
3. persönlicher Computer /PC/; Personalcomputer {m} [selten]; Einzelrecher {m}3. personal computer /PC/
4. Skalarrechner {m}4. scalar computer
5. Universalrechner {m}5. general-purpose computer
6. CISC-Rechner; Rechner mit uneingeschränktem Befehlsvorrat6. complex instruction set computer /CISC/
7. RISC-Rechner; Rechner mit eingeschränktem Befehlsvorrat7. reduced instruction set computer /RISC/
8. Computer mit Stifteingabe8. pen computer; penabled computer
9. einen Computer hochfahren; hochstarten; booten9. to boot; to boot up; to start up a computer
10. den Computer einschalten/starten10. to power up/start the computer
11. arbeitender Rechner11. active computer
12. Ich sitze am Computer.12. I'm sitting at the computer.
13. Ich arbeite gerade am Computer.13. I'm working on the computer.
14. Die Daten sind im Computer gespeichert.14. The details are stored on computer.
15. Bestellungen können über Computer gemacht werden.15. Orders may be placed by computer.
Computergehäuse {n} [comp.]computer case; computer cabinet; computer chassis
1. Computergehäusen {pl}1. computer cases; computer cabinets; computer chassis
Narr {m}; Freak {m}; Junkie {m}; Spezialist {m} (in Zusammensetzungen)nerd [coll.]; nurd [coll.]; freak; boffin [Br.] [coll.]; geek [Am.] [coll.]; wonk [Am.] [coll.] (in compounds)
1. Narren {pl}; Freaks {pl}; Junkies {pl}; Spezialisten {pl}1. nerds; nurds; freaks; boffins; geeks; wonks
2. Computernarr {m}; Computerfreak {m}; Computerversessener {m}2. computer freak; computer nerd; computer geek; computer boffin [Br.]; computer wonk [Am.]
3. Grammatikspezialist {m}3. grammar nerd; grammar freak; grammar geek [Am.]; grammar wonk [Am.]
4. Politikjunkie {m}4. policy nerd; policy freak; policy boffin [Br.] policy wonk [Am.]
Taschencomputer {m}; Palmtop-Computer {m} [comp.]handheld computer; palmtop computer; personal digital assistant; PDA computer
1. Taschencomputer {pl}; Palmtop-Computer {pl}1. handheld computers; palmtop computers; personal digital assistants; PDA computers
Zentralrechner {m}; Hauptrechner {m}; Leitrechner {m}; Wirtsrechner {m}; Hostrechner {m} (in einem Netzwerk) [comp.]central computer; main computer; master computer; mainframe computer; host computer; host [coll.] (in a network, supporting workstations)
1. Zentralrechner {pl}; Hauptrechner {pl}; Leitrechner {pl}; Wirtsrechner {pl}; Hostrechner {pl}1. central computers; main computers; master computers; mainframe computers; host computers; hosts
Computergeschäft {n}; Computerladen {m}computer shop; computer store
1. Computergeschäfte {pl}; Computerläden {pl}1. computer shops; computer stores
Computertomograf {m}; Computertomograph {m} [med.]computer-assisted tomograph; CT scanner; computer tomography scanner
1. Computertomografen {pl}; Computertomographen {pl}1. computer-assisted tomographs; CT scanners; computer tomography scanners
Computer-Hersteller {m}; PC-Hersteller {m} [comp.]computer maker
1. Computer-Hersteller {pl}; PC-Hersteller {pl}1. computer makers
Einplatzrechner {m}; Einplatzsystem {n}; Einbenutzersystem {n} [comp.]stand-alone computer/system; single-station computer/system; single-position computer/system; single user computer/system; single-terminal system
Großrechner {m} [comp.]large-scale computer; large computer; mainframe computer; mainframe
1. Großrechner {pl}1. large-scale computers; large computers; mainframe computers; mainframes
2. Quantengroßrechner {m}2. large-scale quantum computer