German | English | |||
Begleitung {f}; Begleiten {n} | company | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Begleitungen {pl} | 1. | companies | |
2. | in Begleitung einer Frau; mit einer Frau | 2. | in female company; with a woman | |
3. | Mit Kindern in diesem Alter ist es immer lustig. | 3. | The children are good company at this age. | |
Ensemble {n}; Truppe {f} (fest etablierte Künstlergruppe) [art] | ensemble group; ensemble; company (established group of artists) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Ensembles {pl}; Truppen {pl} | 1. | ensemble groups; ensembles; companies | |
2. | musikalisches Ensemble | 2. | musical ensemble | |
3. | Ballettensemble {n}; Balletttruppe {f}; Ballettkompanie {f}; Ballettkompagnie {f} [Schw.] | 3. | ballet ensemble; ballet company; corps de ballet | |
4. | Kabarett-Ensemble {n}; Kabarett-Truppe {f} | 4. | satirical ensemble, satirical theatre company | |
Firma {f} /Fa./ [econ.] | company | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Firmen {pl} | 1. | companies | |
2. | Konkurrenzfirma {f} | 2. | rival company | |
3. | erloschene Firma; im Handelsregister gelöschte Firma | 3. | defunct company | |
4. | große Firma | 4. | corporation | |
5. | kleinere Firma | 5. | firm | |
6. | seriöse Firma | 6. | sound firm | |
Künstlertruppe {f}; Truppe {f}; Kompanie {f} (meist in Eigennamen) [art] | troupe; company (usually in proper names) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Schauspieltruppe {f}; Theaterkompanie {f} | 1. | acting troupe; troupe of actors; theatre company | |
2. | Gesangstruppe {f} | 2. | singing troupe; troupe of singers | |
3. | Tanztruppe {f}; Tanzkompanie {f} | 3. | dancing troupe; troupe of dancers; dance company | |
Gesellschaft {f} [econ.] | company; corporation | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Gesellschaften {pl} | 1. | companies; corporations | |
2. | übernehmende Gesellschaft | 2. | absorbing company | |
3. | Gesellschaft (des) bürgerlichen Rechts /GbR/; /GdbR/, BGB-Gesellschaft [Dt.]; Gesellschaft nach bürgerlichem Recht [Ös.] /GesnbR/ [econ.] | 3. | non-trading partnership; partership under the Civil Code | |
Runde {f} (Gesellschaft) | circle; group; company | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | eine fröhliche Runde | 1. | a happy circle | |
2. | ein Treffen in kleiner Runde / in kleinem Kreis | 2. | a meeting with a small number of participants | |
3. | Besprechungen in kleiner Runde / in kleinem Kreis | 3. | meetings with smaller groups; small-scale meetings | |
4. | den Abend in geselliger / gemütlicher Runde verbringen | 4. | to spend the evening in convivial company | |
5. | Er wurde schnell in ihre Runde aufgenommen. | 5. | He was quickly accepted as / made a member of their circle. | |
6. | Einer fehlt in der Runde und das bist Du. | 6. | There's someone missing from our group, and that is you. | |
7. | Das soll er in kleiner Runde gesagt haben. | 7. | He reportedly said that in a private conversation. | |
8. | Es wird zunächst in kleiner Runde / in kleinem Kreis verhandelt. | 8. | Small teams will conduct the initial negotiations. | |
Unternehmen {n} [econ.] | business venture; company; enterprise | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Unternehmen {pl} | 1. | business ventures; companies; enterprises | |
2. | börsenfähiges/börsefähiges [Ös.] Unternehmen | 2. | enterprise eligible for quotation on the stock exchange | |
3. | ein Unternehmen aufgeben | 3. | to abandon an enterprise | |
4. | aktives Unternehmen | 4. | operating company | |
5. | Art des Unternehmens | 5. | kind of business; type of enterprise | |
firmeneigen; unternehmenseigen {adj} | company; company's | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
(seinerzeitiger) Firmengründer {m} [econ.] | company founder; the company's founder | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Firmengründer {pl} | 1. | company founders; the company's founders | |
Firmeninhaber {m}; Firmeninhaberin {f} [econ.] | company owner; owner of a/the company | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Firmeninhaber {pl}; Firmeninhaberinnen {pl} | 1. | company owners; owners of a/the company | |