German | English | |||
Berufslaufbahn {f}; Laufbahn {f}; Berufsbild {n}; Beruf {m} | career path; career | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | berufliche Laufbahn {f} | 1. | career structure | |
2. | künstlerische Laufbahn; Künstlerlaufbahn | 2. | artistic career; career as an artist | |
3. | Entscheidung für eine Laufbahn | 3. | career decision | |
4. | jdn. auf eine Laufbahn vorbereiten | 4. | to groom sb. for a career | |
5. | das Berufsbild „Kriminalbeamter“ | 5. | the career of police detective | |
6. | sein Hobby zum Beruf machen | 6. | to turn one's hobby into a career | |
beruflich {adj}; Karriere… | career | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | berufliche Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten | 1. | career opportunities; career advancement opportunities; career prospects | |
2. | berufliche Entscheidung | 2. | career decision | |
3. | berufliche Förderung | 3. | career advancement | |
Karriere {f}; Werdegang {m} | career | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Karrieren {pl} | 1. | careers | |
2. | jds. beruflicher Werdegang | 2. | sb.'s professional career | |
3. | Karriere als Manager | 3. | managerial career | |
4. | Karriere machen (auf einem Gebiet) | 4. | to have a career (in a field) | |
Erwerbsbiografie {f}; Erwerbsbiographie {f} | working life; career; history of employment | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Laufbahngruppe {f} [adm.] | career group; career category | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Laufbahngruppen {pl} | 1. | career groups; career categories | |
beruflich aufsteigen {vi} | to move up the career ladder | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | beruflich aufsteigend | 1. | moving up the career ladder | |
2. | beruflich aufgestiegen | 2. | moved up the career ladder | |
Beratung {f} (institutionalisiertes Hilfsangebot für einen bestimmten Lebensbereich) | counselling [Br.]; counseling [Am.]; guidance; advisement [Am.] (institutionalized assistance for a particular sphere of life) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Beratung nach der Bestattung | 1. | post-funeral counselling | |
2. | Akademikerberatung {f} | 2. | graduate counselling; graduate advisement | |
3. | Alkoholberatung {f} | 3. | alcohol counselling; alcohol education | |
4. | Außenwirtschaftsberatung {f} [econ.] | 4. | foreign trade and payments counselling | |
5. | Steuerberatung {f} [fin.] | 5. | tax counselling; tax counseling | |
6. | Berufsberatung {f}; Ausbildungsberatung {f} | 6. | vocational guidance; career counselling; career advisement | |
7. | Drogenberatung {f} [med.] | 7. | drugs counselling; drug counseling | |
8. | Eheberatung {f} | 8. | marriage counselling; marriage guidance | |
9. | Erziehungsberatung {f} | 9. | educational counselling; educational counseling; educational guidance | |
10. | Fachberatung {f} | 10. | specialist counselling; specialist counseling | |
11. | Familienberatung {f} | 11. | family counselling; family counseling | |
12. | Gesundheitsberatung {f} | 12. | health counselling; health counseling | |
13. | schulbegleitende Beratung; Schulberatung {f} [school] | 13. | school counselling; school counselling | |
14. | Sexualberatung {f} [med.] | 14. | sexual counselling; sexual counseling | |
15. | Suchtberatung {f} | 15. | addiction counselling; addiction counseling | |
16. | Trauerberatung {f} | 16. | bereavement counselling; bereavement counseling | |
17. | Verhaltensberatung {f} | 17. | behavioural counselling; behavioral consultation | |
Berufsanfänger {m}; Berufsanfängerin {f}; Berufseinsteiger {m}; Berufseinsteigerin {f} | career entrant | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Berufsanfänger {pl}; Berufsanfängerinnen {pl}; Berufseinsteiger {pl}; Berufseinsteigerinnen {pl} | 1. | career entrants | |
2. | Ich bin Berufsanfänger. | 2. | I've just entered the job market. | |
Berufslaufbahn {f}; Berufsverlauf {m}; berufliche Entwicklung {f} | occupational history; job history; professional career; occupational career | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Berufsprotestierer {m} [pej.] [pol.] | career protester | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Berufsprotestierer {pl} | 1. | career protesters | |