German | English | |||
Pflegeunterbringung {f}; Pflege {f} [soc.] | foster care; care | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Kinder in Pflegeunterbringung | 1. | children in care | |
2. | ein Kind in Pflege geben | 2. | to put a child into care; to foster out a child | |
3. | ein Kind in Pflege nehmen | 3. | to take a child into care | |
4. | zu einer Pflegefamilie kommen | 4. | to be taken into care | |
5. | die/seine Pflegefamilie verlassen | 5. | to leave care | |
Obhut {f} [soc.] | care; charge; custody | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | in der Obhut von jdm.; in jds. Obhut | 1. | in the care of sb.; in sb.'s care; in the charge of sb.; in sb.'s charge; in the custody of sb.; in sb.'s custody | |
2. | jdn. in jds. Obhut geben | 2. | to put / place sb. in sb.'s care | |
3. | jdn. in seine Obhut nehmen | 3. | to take care of sb. | |
Betreuung {f} | care | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | medizinische Betreuung | 1. | medical care | |
2. | betriebsärztliche Betreuung | 2. | occupational-medical care | |
Fürsorge {f}; Zuwendung {f} | care | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Gesundheitsfürsorge {f} | 1. | public health care | |
2. | Fürsorge für gebrechliche und ältere Menschen | 2. | care of the frail and elderly | |
Schonung {f}; Entlastung {f}; pflegliches Behandeln | care | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Vorsicht! Zerbrechlich! (Aufschrift) | 1. | Fragile! Handle with care! (displayed notice) | |
2. | Vorsicht, Glas! (Aufschrift) | 2. | Glass! Handle with care! (displayed notice) | |
Sorgfalt {f}; Achtsamkeit {f}; Sorgfältigkeit {f} | care; carefulness | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | hinreichende Sorgfalt | 1. | adequate care | |
2. | verkehrsübliche Sorgfalt | 2. | care and attention | |
Anteilnahme {f}; Interesse {n} | care | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Behandlung {f}; Pflege {f} | care | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Sorge {f}; Kummer {m} | care | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | ohne Sorgen; sorgenfrei {adj} | 1. | free from cares | |
(sichere) Verwahrung {f}; Aufbewahrung {f}; Gewahrsam {m} [jur.] | safekeeping; custody; care; trust | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | in sicherer Verwahrung | 1. | in safe custody | |
2. | in sichere Verwahrung geben | 2. | to place in safe custody | |
3. | etw. in Verwahrung geben | 3. | to give sth. into custody (in charge) | |
4. | in Verwahrung geben (bei) | 4. | to deliver in trust; to entrust; to lodge (with) | |
5. | in Verwahrung haben | 5. | to hold in trust | |
6. | etw. in Verwahrung nehmen; in Gewahrsam nehmen [jur.] | 6. | to take charge of sth.; to take sth. for safekeeping; to take sth. into custody | |
7. | Aufbewahrung von Gütern | 7. | custody of goods | |
8. | Sachen, die sich im Gewahrsam des Schuldners befinden | 8. | property in the debtor's custody | |