German | English | |||
Kampagne {f}; Aktion {f}; Feldzug {m} [übtr.] | campaign | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Kampagnen {pl}; Aktionen {pl} | 1. | campaigns | |
2. | Impfkampagne {f} | 2. | vaccination campaign; jab campaign [Br.] [coll.] | |
3. | Lügenkampagne {f} | 3. | campaign of lies | |
4. | eine Kampagne starten; eine Aktion starten | 4. | to launch a campaign; to mount a campaign | |
5. | eine Kampagne organisieren | 5. | to orchestrate a campaign; to organize a campaign | |
6. | gegen jdn. einen Feldzug führen | 6. | to conduct / carry on / wage a campaign against sb. | |
7. | eine Kampagne (durch)führen | 7. | to conduct/run a campaign | |
8. | eine Kampagne aufziehen/starten | 8. | to launch/start a campaign | |
9. | der Feldzug gegen den Terrorismus | 9. | the campaign against terrorism | |
Heereszug {m}; Feldzug {m} [mil.] | campaign | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Wahlkampfversprechen {n}; Wahlversprechen {n} [pol.] | pre-election promise; election promise; campaign promise; pre-election pledge; election pledge; campaign pledge | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Wahlkampfversprechen {pl}; Wahlversprechen {pl} | 1. | pre-election promises; election promises; campaign promises; pre-election pledges; election pledges; campaign pledges | |
2. | ein Wahlversprechen einlösen | 2. | to fulfil a pre-election promise; to deliver on a campaign promise | |
Feldzug {m} [mil.] | military campaign | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Feldzüge {m} | 1. | military campaigns | |
2. | Russlandfeldzug {m} | 2. | campaign in/against Russia; Russian campaign | |
3. | einen Feldzug führen | 3. | to wage a campaign | |
Feld {n} | field | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Felder {pl} | 1. | fields | |
2. | in Felder aufgeteilt | 2. | fielded | |
3. | ein weites Feld | 3. | a wide / broad field | |
4. | ins Feld ziehen | 4. | to take the field | |
5. | gegen etw./jdn. zu Felde ziehen | 5. | to wage war / a campaign against sth./sb.; to campaign against sth./sb. | |
6. | für etw./jdn. zu Felde ziehen | 6. | to wage war / a campaign for sth./sb. | |
7. | Architektur ist ein weites Feld. | 7. | Architecture is a wide / broad field. | |
(einmaliger) Aktionstag {m} [pol.] | day of action; campaign day | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Aktionstage {pl} | 1. | days of action; campaign days | |
Aufklärungskampagne {f}; Informationskampagne {f} [soc.] | awareness campaign; (public) information campaign | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Aufklärungskampagnen {pl}; Informationskampagnen {pl} | 1. | awareness campaigns; information campaigns | |
Desinformationskampagne {f} | disinformation campaign; campaign of disinformation | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Desinformationskampagnen {pl} | 1. | disinformation campaigns; campaigns of disinformation | |
Einführungskampagne {f} | initial campaign; introductory campaign | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Einführungskampagnen {pl} | 1. | initial campaigns; introductory campaigns | |
Einschüchterungskampagne {f} | campaign of intimidation; fear campaign | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Einschüchterungskampagnen {pl} | 1. | campaigns of intimidation; fear campaigns | |