Translation of 'building' - German English Dictionary

Bau {m}; Errichtung {f} (von etw.) (Vorgang) [constr.]construction; building (of sth.)
1. im Bau1. under construction
in ein Gebäude einbrechen {vi}to break into a building; to burgle [Br.] / burglarize [Am.] a building
1. in ein Gebäude einbrechend1. breaking into a building; burgling / burglarizing a building
2. in ein Gebäude eingebrochen2. broken into a building; burgled / burglarized a building
3. In das Nachbarhaus wurde gestern eingebrochen.3. The house next door was broken into/burgled/burglarized yesterday.
4. Bei uns wurde schon zweimal eingebrochen.4. We've already been burgled twice.
(Material) verbauen (zum Bauen verwenden) {vt}to use up (material) in building; to consume (material) for building purposes
1. verbauend1. using up in building; consuming for building purposes
2. verbaut2. used up in building; consumed for building purposes
Baugenehmigung {f} [Dt.]; Baubewilligung {f} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Baukonzession {f} [Südtirol]; Bauerlaubnis {f} [ugs.] [adm.] [constr.]building permit; construction permit; building permission; planning permission; construction approval
1. Baugenehmigungen {pl}; Baubewilligungen {pl}; Baukonzessionen {pl}; Bauerlaubnisse {pl}1. building permits; construction permits; building permissions; planning permissions; construction approvals
2. Versagung {f} einer Baugenehmigung2. refusal of a building permission
Bauleistung {f} [constr.] [econ.]building work and supplies; building work; construction work and supplies; construction work
1. Bauleistungen {pl}1. building work and supplies; building works and supplies [Br.]; building works [Br.]; construction work and supplies; construction works and supplies [Br.]; construction works [Br.]
2. nachträgliche Bauleistung; Nachstragsleistung {f}; Nachtrag {m}2. addendum work; addendum
3. Abrechnung der erbrachten Bauleistungen3. accounting of executed works [Br.] / of executed work [Am.]
Bebauungsart {f}; Bebauungsweise {f}; Bauweise {f} (Raumplanung)type of building development (spatial planning)
1. geschlossene Bebauungsart; geschlossene Bauweise1. attached building development (uninterrupted building rows)
2. offene Bebauungsart; offene Bauweise2. detached building development (interrupted building arrangement)
3. abweichende Bauweise mit einseitiger Grenzbebauung3. boundary line development [Br.]; zero lot line development [Am.]
Anbau {m}; Anbaute {f} [Schw.] [adm.] [arch.]building extension; building addition; annex; annexe [Br.]
1. Anbauten {pl}1. building extensions; building additions; annexes
Baufläche {f}building area; building land
1. Bauflächen {pl}1. building areas; building lands
Baugrundstück {n}; Baugrund {m}; Bauparzelle {f}; Bauplatz {m} [ugs.] (Raumplanung)building plot; building lot [Am.]; settlement site [Am.] (spatial planning)
1. Baugrundstücke {pl}; Baugründe {pl}; Bauparzellen {pl}; Bauplätze {pl}1. building plots; building lots; settlement sites
2. unerschlossenes Baugründstück; unerschlossenes Bauland2. greenfield site
Bauherr {m}; Bauherrschaft {f} [Schw.] [constr.] [adm.]building owner; building sponsor; builder
1. Bauherren {pl}; Bauherrschaften {pl}1. building owners; building sponsors; builders