Translation of 'author' - German English Dictionary

Schriftsteller {m}; Schriftstellerin {f}; Autor {m}; Autorin {f}; Literat {m}; Literatin {f} [lit.](professional) writer; (professional) author; authoress (rare and slightly affected); (professional) penman; (professional) penwoman; man of letters; woman of letters; littérateur
1. Schriftsteller {pl}; Schriftstellerinnen {pl}; Autoren {pl}; Autorinnen {pl}; Literaten {pl}; Literatinnen {pl}1. writers; authors; authoresses; penmen; penwomen; men of letters; women of letters; littérateurs
2. Erfolgsautor {m}; Bestsellerautor {m}2. best-selling author; best-seller autor
3. Kinderbuchautor {m}; Kinderbuchautorin {f}3. children's book author; children's author
4. Reiseschriftsteller {m}4. travel book writer; travel writer; travel book author; travel author
5. Romanschriftsteller {m}; Romanautor {m}; Romancier {m}5. novelist
6. Autor von Kurzgeschichten6. short story writer; writer of short stories
7. ein Schriftsteller von Rang7. a writer of distinction
Verfasser {m}; Schreiber {m} [oft pej.]; Autor {m}; Verfasserin {f}; Schreiberin {f}; Autorin {f} (eines Textes) [ling.]writer; author; authoress (rare and slightly affected) (of a text)
1. Verfasser {pl}; Schreiber {pl}; Autoren {pl}; Verfasserinnen {pl}; Schreiberinnen {pl}; Autorinnen {pl}1. writers; authors; authoresses
2. der Artikelschreiber2. the writer of the article
3. der Verfasser des Briefes3. the writer of the letter; the author of the letter
4. der Autor der vorliegenden/gegenständlichen [Ös.] Arbeit/Abhandlung4. the present author
Urheber {m} (eines schöpferischen Werks) [jur.]author (of a creative work)
Autorenkatalog {m}author catalogue
1. Autorenkataloge {pl}1. author catalogues
Autorenrecht {n} (subjektives Recht) [jur.]author's right
1. Autorenrechte {pl}1. author's rights
Autorkorrektur {f}author's alteration
1. Autorkorrekturen {pl}1. author's alterations
Lieblings…favourite [Br.]; favorite [Am.]; fave [coll.]
1. Lieblingsmusiker {m}; Lieblingsmusikerin {f}1. favourite musician; favorite musician
2. Liebingsoper {f}2. favourite opera; favorite opera
3. Lieblingsschriftsteller {m}; Lieblingsschriftstellerin {f}3. favourite writer; favorite writer; favourite author; favorite author
4. Lieblingsspiel {n}4. favourite game; favorite game
5. Lieblingsspielzeug {n}5. favourite toy; favorite toy
6. Lieblingsstadt {f}6. favourite town/city; favorite town/city
7. Das ist mein Lieblingslied.7. This is my favourite/favorite song.
Mitverfasser {m}; Mitverfasserin {f}co-author; coauthor; joint author
1. Mitverfasser {pl}; Mitverfasserinnen {pl}1. co-authors; coauthors; joint authors
Verfasserangabe {f}author statement
1. Verfasserangaben {pl}1. author statements
kongenial {adv}with equal genius; in an equally ingenious manner
1. Der Autor verarbeitet kongenial das Thema seines Vorgängers.1. The author exploits the theme of his predecessor with equal genius.; The author exploits in an equally ingenious manner the theme of his predecessor.
2. Die neue Fassung wird dem Geist der Vorlage kongenial gerecht.2. The new version is ingeniously true to the spirit of the original.