Translation of 'attorney' - German English Dictionary

Rechtsvertreter {m}; rechtlicher Vertreter [jur.]legal attorney; attorney
1. Rechtsvertreter {pl}; rechtliche Vertreter1. legal attorneys; attorneys
Rechtsanwalt {m} /RA/; Rechtsanwältin {f}; Anwalt {m}; Anwältin {f}; Advokat {m} [pej.]; Rechtsberater {m} [jur.]lawyer; counsel; advocate [Sc.]; attorney (at law) /att./ /atty/ [Am.]; counselor [Am.]
1. Rechtsanwälte {pl}; Rechtsanwältinnen {pl}; Anwälte {pl}; Anwältinnen {pl}; Advokaten {pl}; Rechtsberater {pl}1. lawyers; counsels; advocates; attorney /atty/s; counselors
2. Arbeitsrechtler {m}2. labour lawyer [Br.]; labor lawyer [Am.]
3. beaufsichtigender Anwalt3. controlling counsel
4. Patentanwalt {m}4. patent lawyer; patent agent [Br.]; patent attorney [Am.]
5. Steueranwalt {m}5. tax lawyer; specialist counsel for tax law; tax attorney [Am.]
6. Anwalt für Wohnungsrecht6. housing law lawyer
7. sich einen Anwalt nehmen7. to get a lawyer/an attorney
8. Anwalt der Gegenpartei8. opposing counsel
9. Anwalt der britischen Krone9. crown counsel
Staatsanwalt {m}; Staatsanwältin {f} [jur.]Public Prosecutor; Crown Prosecutor [Br.] [Austr.]; District Attorney [Am.] /DA/; State / State's Attorney; County Attorney; County Prosecutor; Prosecuting Attorney; Solicitor [Am.]
1. Staatsanwälte {pl}; Staatsanwältinnen {pl}1. Public Prosecutors; Crown Prosecutors; District Attorneys; State / State's Attorneys; County Attorneys; County Prosecutors; Prosecuting Attorneys; Solicitors
2. Oberstaatsanwalt {m}2. senior prosecutor
3. stellvertretender Staatsanwalt3. Assistant State's Attorney [Am.]
4. Der Staatsanwalt hat Anklage wegen Mordes gegen ihn erhoben.4. The public prosecutor brought a charge of murder against him.
schriftliche Vollmacht {f}; Vollmachtsurkunde {f} [jur.]letter of attorney; proxy
1. schriftliche Vollmachten {pl}; Vollmachtsurkunden {pl}1. letters of attorney
2. notarielle Vollmacht2. letter of attorney drawn up before a notary
3. laut Vollmacht3. as per letter of attorney
Vollmachtinhaber {m} [adm.] [jur.]holder of a power of attorney
1. Vollmachtinhaber {pl}1. holders of a power of attorney
2. über eine Vollmacht von jdm. verfügen; von jdm. bevollmächtigt sein2. to be the holder of a power of attorney from sb.; to hold a power of attorney for sb.
Justizminister {m}; Justizministerin {f}minister of justice; Lord Chancellor [Br.]; Attorney General [Am.] /AG/
1. Justizminister {pl}; Justizministerinnen {pl}1. ministers of justice; Lord Chancellors; Attorney Generals
2. Justizminister {m} eines Bundesstaates der USA2. State Attorney General
Bevollmächtigter {m} [adm.] [jur.]attorney in fact; agent; authorized representative; person holding a power of attorney
Prozessvollmacht {f} [jur.]power of attorney
1. anwaltliche Prozessvollmacht (schriftliche Prozessvollmacht für einen Anwalt)1. warrant of attorney
Vollmacht {f} [jur.]power of attorney
1. befristete Vollmacht1. temporary power of attorney
2. beschränkte Vollmacht2. limited power of attorney
3. Dauervollmacht {f}3. permanent power of attorney
4. Einzelvollmacht {f}; Sondervollmacht {f}4. special power of attorney
5. Gattungsvollmacht {f}; Artvollmacht {f}5. power of attorney limited to a specific class of transactions
6. Generalvollmacht {f}6. general power of attorney; full power of attorney
7. Gesamtvollmacht {f}7. joint power of attorney
8. Sammelvollmacht {f}8. collective power of attorney
9. Vollmacht, die auch bei Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers gilt9. enduring power of attorney; durable power of attorney [Am.]; power of attorney with durable provisions [Am.]
10. Sondervollmacht für den Fall der Entscheidungsunfähigkeit des Vollmachtgebers10. springing power of attorney [Am.]
11. Untervollmacht11. substitute power of attorney
12. widerrufliche/unwiderrufliche Vollmacht12. revocable/irrevocable power of attorney
13. nach Erlöschen der Vollmacht13. after the expiration of the power of attorney
14. Umfang einer Vollmacht14. extent/scope of a power of attorney
15. Vorlegen einer Vollmacht15. presentation of a power of attorney
16. Widerruf der Vollmacht16. revocation of the power of attorney
17. Zurückziehen der Vollmacht17. withdrawal of the power of attorney
18. eine Vollmacht ausstellen18. to execute a power of attorney
19. jdm. eine Vollmacht erteilen19. to give sb. power of attorney; to grant sb. power of attorney
20. eine Vollmacht haben; über eine Vollmacht verfügen20. to hold a power of attorney
21. eine Vollmacht vorlegen21. to present a power of attorney
22. die Vollmacht widerrufen22. to revoke the power of attorney
23. die Vollmacht zurückziehen23. to cancel/withdraw the power of attorney
24. Die Vollmacht erlischt mit dem Tode des Vollmachtgebers.24. The power of attorney shall become extinct at the moment of death of the empowering person.
Strafverteidiger {m}; Strafverteidigerin {f}; Verteidiger {m}; Verteidigerin {f} [jur.]defence lawyer [Br.]; defense lawyer [Am.]; defending counsel; counsel for the defence [Br.]; brief [Br.] [coll.]; attorney for the defense [Am.]; defense attorney [Am.]
1. Strafverteidiger {pl}; Strafverteidigerinnen {pl}; Verteidiger {pl}; Verteidigerinnen {pl}1. defence lawyers; defense lawyers; defending counsels; counsels for the defence; briefs; attorneys for the defense; defense attorneys