German | English | |||
Angriff {m} (auf jdn./etw.) [mil.] | attack; assault (against sb. / on sth.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Angriffe {pl} | 1. | attacks; assaults | |
2. | Ablenkungsangriff {m} | 2. | diversionary attack; diversionary assault | |
3. | Bodenangriff {m} | 3. | ground attack; ground assault | |
4. | Drohnenangriff {m} | 4. | drone attack; drone assault | |
5. | bewaffneter Angriff | 5. | armed attack; armed assault | |
6. | massierter Atomangriff; massierter Kernwaffenangriff | 6. | massive nuclear attack; massive nuclear assault | |
7. | nichtprovozierter Angriff | 7. | unprovoked attack | |
8. | präemptiver Angriff | 8. | pre-emptive attack; pre-emptive assault | |
9. | Sättigungsangriff {m} | 9. | saturation attack; saturation assault | |
10. | Schleichangriff {m} | 10. | sneak attack; sneak assault | |
11. | Angriff mit hohen Opferzahlen | 11. | mass-casualty attack; mass-casualty assault | |
12. | zum Angriff bereit | 12. | ready to attack | |
13. | Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung. | 13. | Attack is the best form/means of defense. | |
Angriff {m} (Fechten) [sport] | attack (fencing) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Gegenangriff {m} | 1. | counter-attack | |
2. | Laufangriff {m}; Sturzangriff {m}; Flèche | 2. | running attack; flèche | |
3. | zusammengesetzter Angriff | 3. | compound attack | |
Krankheitsanfall {m}; Anfall {m}; Attacke {f} [geh.] [med.] | attack; access [formal]; bout; episode; seizure | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Krankheitsanfälle {pl}; Anfälle {pl}; Attacken {pl} | 1. | attacks; accesses; bouts; episodes; seizures | |
2. | Hustenanfall {m} | 2. | bout of coughing | |
3. | Fieberanfall {m} | 3. | attack of fever; febrile attack; bout of fever | |
4. | Schmerzattacke {f} | 4. | attack of pain; episode of pain | |
5. | leichter Anfall | 5. | touch | |
Angriff {m} (Spielergruppe beim Ballsport) [sport] | attack [Br.]; offense [Am.] (group of players in ball sports) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | im Angriff spielen | 1. | to play in attack [Br.]; to play offense [Am.] | |
2. | in den Angriff vorrücken | 2. | to move up into the attack | |
Anschlag {m} (auf jdn./etw.) | attack (on sb./sth.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Anschläge {pl} | 1. | attacks | |
2. | Anschlag mit einer Brandbombe; Brandanschlag {m} | 2. | firebomb attack | |
(einzelner) Angriff {m} [sport] | attack; offensive move | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Angriffe {pl} | 1. | attacks; offensive moves | |
Schub {m} [med.] | attack; (intermittent) episode | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Schübe {pl} | 1. | attacks; episodes | |
2. | akuter Schub einer chronischen Mastoiditis | 2. | acute-on-chronic mastoiditis | |
3. | cholangitischer Schub | 3. | intermittent bilary/hepatic fever | |
4. | schizophrener Schub | 4. | schizophrenic episode | |
Angriffsbefehl {m} [mil.] | attack order | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Angriffsbefehle {pl} | 1. | attack orders | |
Angriffsbereich {m} | zone of attack | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Angriffsbereiche {pl} | 1. | zones of attack | |
Angriffsfläche {f} | attack surface | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Angriffsflächen {pl} | 1. | attack surfaces | |