German | English | |||
Adresse {f} [comp.] | address | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Adressen {pl} | 1. | addresses | |
2. | absolute Adresse; echte Adresse; Maschinenadresse; physische Adresse; physikalische Adresse; reale Adresse; tatsächliche Adresse | 2. | actual address; absolute address; machine address; physical address; real address | |
3. | alphanumerische Adresse | 3. | alphanumeric address | |
4. | direkte Adresse; Direktadresse; explizite Adresse; unmittelbare Adresse | 4. | direct address; explicit address; immediate address | |
5. | Distanzadresse {f} | 5. | bias address; displacement address; displacement; offset value | |
6. | Grundadresse {f}; Bezugsadresse {f}; Referenzadresse {f} | 6. | basic address; base address; referential address; reference address | |
7. | implizite Adresse | 7. | implicit address | |
8. | logische Adresse; virtuelle Adresse | 8. | logical address; virtual address | |
9. | relative Adresse | 9. | floating address; relative address | |
10. | symbolische Adresse; mnemotechnische Adresse; mnemonische Adresse (mit Namen) | 10. | symbolic address; mnemotechnic address; mnemonic address | |
11. | unmittelbare Adresse | 11. | immediate address; literal address | |
Adresse {f} /Adr./; Anschrift {f} | address | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Adressen {pl}; Anschriften {pl} | 1. | addresses | |
2. | Firmenadresse {f}; Firmenanschrift {f} | 2. | company address; company's address | |
3. | per Adresse /p. A.; p. Adr./; bei; wohnhaft bei | 3. | care of (c/o) | |
4. | ladungsfähige Anschrift/Adresse [jur.] | 4. | address for service of a summons; address where a summons may be served | |
5. | die letzte bekannte Anschrift des Verdächtigen | 5. | the last known address of/for the suspect | |
6. | An der Anschrift 15 Parkfield Road gibt es keinen MACKENZIE. | 6. | There is not a MACKENZIE associated to the address of 15 Parkfield Road. | |
Anrede {f} [ling.] [soc.] | address; form of address | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | formelle Anrede; Sie-Form | 1. | formal form of address | |
2. | Du-Form; Du-Wort | 2. | familiar form (of address); informal form (of address) | |
Rede {f}; Ansprache {f} | speech; address | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Fernsehansprache {f} | 1. | television address | |
2. | die Rede des Präsidenten | 2. | the President's speech; the speech given by the President | |
3. | Begrüßungsrede {f}; Begrüßungsansprache {f} | 3. | speech of welcome; welcoming speech; welcoming address | |
4. | Dankesrede {f} (bei einer Preisverleihung) | 4. | acceptance speech (given by sb. receiving an award/prize) | |
5. | Nominierungsrede {f} [pol.] | 5. | nominating speech | |
6. | Tischrede {f} | 6. | after-dinner speech | |
7. | Wahlrede {f} [pol.] | 7. | campaign speech; stump speech [Am.] | |
8. | eine Rede halten; eine Ansprache halten (über/zu etw.) | 8. | to give a speech; to make a speech; to deliver a speech; to give/deliver an address (about/on sth.) | |
Gewandtheit {f} | address | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Adressbuch {n}; Adreßbuch {n} [alt] | address book <address-book> <addressbook> | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Adressbücher {pl}; Adreßbücher {pl} | 1. | address books | |
Adressraum {m} [comp.] | address space | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Adressräume {pl} | 1. | address spaces | |
2. | virtueller Adressraum | 2. | virtual address space | |
Adressrechnen {n}; Adressrechnung {f}; Adressberechnung {f}; Adressarithmetik {f} [comp.] | address calculation; address computation; address arithmetic | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Adressregister {n} [comp.] | address register | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Adressregister {pl} | 1. | address registers | |
2. | A-Adressregister | 2. | A-address register | |
Adressschlüssel {m} [comp.] | actual address key | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Adressschlüssel {pl} | 1. | actual address keys | |
2. | aktueller Adressschlüssel | 2. | actual address key | |