German | English | |||
Baumstamm {m}; Stamm {m}; Baumstock {m} [bot.] | tree trunk; trunk (of a tree); stock/stem (of a tree); bole [poet.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Baumstämme {pl}; Stämme {pl}; Baumstöcke {pl} | 1. | tree trunks; trunks; stocks; stems; boles | |
2. | Baumstämme zuschneiden | 2. | to buck tree trunks | |
Halm {m}; Stängel {m}; Stiel {m}; Stamm {m} [bot.] | stem | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Halme {pl}; Stängel {pl}; Stiele {pl}; Stämme {pl} | 1. | stems; stalks | |
Stamm {m}; Haupt {n} | root | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Stamm {m}; Geschlecht {n}; Familienzweig {m} | stirps | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Stamm {m}; Sippe {f}; Volksstamm {m} | tribe | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Stämme {pl}; Sippen {pl}; Volksstämme {pl} | 1. | tribes | |
Wortstamm {m}; Stamm {m} [ling.] | word stem; stem | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Wortstämme {pl}; Stämme {pl} | 1. | word stems; stems | |
2. | Verbstamm {m} | 2. | verb stem; stem of verb | |
3. | „Schreib“ ist der Wortstamm der Formen „schreibt“ und „schreibend“. | 3. | 'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes' and 'writing'. | |
Diagramm {n} /Diag./; Grafik {f}; Karte {f} (in Zusammensetzungen); Tafel {f} (in Zusammensetzungen) [econ.] [math.] [statist.] | diagram /diag./; chart; plot [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Diagramme {pl}; Grafiken {pl}; Karten {pl}; Tafeln {pl} | 1. | diagrams; charts; plots | |
2. | Ablaufdiagramm {n}; Ablaufgrafik {f}; Ablaufschaubild {n}; Ablaufplan {m}; Durchlaufplan {m} (oft fälschlich: Flussdiagramm) | 2. | flow diagram; flow chart | |
3. | Balkendiagramm {n} | 3. | bar diagram; bar chart | |
4. | Fahrzeitentafel {f} (Bahn) | 4. | running chart (railway) | |
5. | Großkreiskarte {f} | 5. | great circle chart | |
6. | Kastendiagramm {n}; Kastengrafik {f} | 6. | box diagram; box plot | |
7. | Kastendiagramm {n}; Kastengrafik {f} [statist.] | 7. | box-and-whisker diagram; box-and-whisker plot; box plot | |
8. | Liniendiagramm {n}; Kurvendiagramm {n}; Kurvenbild {n} | 8. | line graph; graph | |
9. | Punktdiagramm {n}; Punktediagramm {n} | 9. | dot plot; plot (set of points that may or may not be connected by a line) | |
10. | Säulendiagramm {n} | 10. | column diagram; column chart; vertical bar chart | |
11. | Stamm-Blatt-Diagramm {n}; Stamm-und-Blatt-Diagramm {n}; Stamm-und-Blatt-Grafik {f}; Stamm-und-Blatt-Darstellung {f}; Zweig-Blätter-Diagramm {n}; Zweig-Blätter-Grafik {f} [statist.] | 11. | stem-and-leaf plot; stem plot; stem-and-leaf display | |
12. | Stufendiagramm {n} | 12. | graduation diagram | |
13. | räumliches Diagramm | 13. | three-dimensional diagram | |
14. | wie das Diagramm zeigt | 14. | as shown in the diagram | |
15. | ein Diagramm erstellen | 15. | to draw a diagram; to create a diagram | |
Chordatiere {pl} (Chordata) (zoologischer Stamm) [zool.] | chordates (zoological phylum) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Fadenwürmer {pl}; Rundwürmer {pl} (Nematoda) (zoologischer Stamm) [zool.] <Fadenwurm> <Rundwurm> | roundworms; nematodes (zoological phylum) <roundworm> | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Gliederfüßler {pl} (Arthropoda) (zoologischer Stamm) [zool.] | arthropods (zoological phylum) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||