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Schlüssel {m} (zu/für etw.) | key (to sth.) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Schlüssel {pl} | 1. | keys | |
2. | berührungsloser Schlüssel [auto] | 2. | proximity key | |
3. | parazentrischer Schlüssel | 3. | paracentric key | |
4. | Berliner Schlüssel; Schließzwangschlüssel {m} [hist.] | 4. | Berlin key | |
5. | Buntbartschlüssel {m}; Bartschlüssel {m} | 5. | mortice key | |
6. | Vollschlüssel {f} | 6. | key with a solid shank | |
7. | Schlüsselrohr {n}; Tülle {f} | 7. | nozzle of a/the key | |
8. | den Schlüssel abziehen; herausziehen | 8. | to pull off the key | |
9. | Ich kann dir einen Ersatzschlüssel zum Lager/für das Lager borgen. | 9. | I can lend you a spare key to the store. | |
Notenschlüssel {m}; Schlüssel {m} (Musiknoten) [mus.] | clef (sheet music) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Violinschlüssel {m}; G-Schlüssel {m} | 1. | treble clef; violin clef; G clef | |
2. | Altschlüssel {m}; C-Schlüssel {m} | 2. | alto clef; C clef | |
3. | Tenorschlüssel {m}; C-Schlüssel {m} | 3. | tenor clef; C clef | |
4. | Bassschlüssel {m}; F-Schlüssel {m} | 4. | bass clef; F clef | |
Code {m}; Kode {m}; Schlüssel {m} [comp.] | code | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Codes {pl}; Kodes {pl}; Schlüssel {pl} | 1. | codes | |
2. | alphabetischer Code | 2. | alphabetic code | |
3. | Kennzeichencode {m} | 3. | identification code | |
4. | Rabattcode {m}; Rabattkode {m} [econ.] | 4. | discount code | |
5. | einen Kode entziffern | 5. | to decipher a code | |
6. | einen Kode entschlüsseln/knacken [ugs.] | 6. | to break/crack a code | |
Schraubenschlüssel {m}; Mutternschlüssel {m}; Schlüssel {m} [techn.] | spanner [Br.]; wrench [Am.] | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Schraubenschlüssel {pl}; Mutternschlüssel {pl}; Schlüssel {pl} | 1. | spanners; wrenches | |
2. | Schlagschraubenschlüssel {m}; Schlagschlüssel {m} | 2. | striking-face spanner; striking-face wrench | |
3. | gekröpfter Schraubenschlüssel | 3. | offset spanner; offset wrench | |
4. | Dreikantschlüssel {m} | 4. | male triangular spanner/wrench | |
5. | isolierter Schraubenschlüssel | 5. | insulated spanner; insulated wrench | |
6. | Knochen-Schraubenschlüssel {m} | 6. | dumbbell spanner [Br.]; dogbone wrench [Am.] | |
7. | Ratschenschraubenschlüssel {m}; Ratschenschlüssel {m}; Ratsche {f} | 7. | ratchet spanner; ratchet wrench | |
8. | Schraubenschlüssel mit Hahnenfuß; Hahnenfuß-Schraubenschlüssel; Hahnenfußschlüssel {m} | 8. | crowfoot spanner; crow's-foot spanner; crowfoot wrench; crow's-foot wrench | |
9. | Schraubenschlüssel mit Gelenkkopf | 9. | flex-head spanner [Br.]; flex-head wrench [Am.] | |
Verteilungsschlüssel {m}; Aufteilungsschlüssel {m}; Verteilerschlüssel {m} [ugs.]; Schlüssel {m} [adm.] | allocation formula; distribution formula; key to allocation/distribution; basis for allocation/distribution; allocation code; distribution code; share-out key | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Verteilungsschlüssel {pl}; Aufteilungsschlüssel {pl}; Verteilerschlüssel {pl}; Schlüssel {pl} | 1. | allocation formulas; distribution formulas; keys to allocation/distribution; bases for allocation/distribution; allocation codes; distribution codes; share-out keys | |
Schlüssel {m}; Code {m} | keyword | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Sortierschlüssel {m}; Kennbegriff {m} (eines Datensatzes) [comp.] | sorting key; key (of a record) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Primärschlüssel {m}; primärer Kennbegriff; Kennbegriff mit der höchsten Priorität | 1. | primary sorting key; primary key; key with the highest priority | |
2. | Sekundärschlüssel {m}; sekundärer Kennbegriff | 2. | secondary sorting key; secondary key | |
3. | alternativer Schlüssel; alternativer Kennbegriff | 3. | alternate sorting key; alternate key | |
4. | bestimmender Schlüssel; bestimmender Kennbegriff | 4. | candidate key | |
Ventilkappe {f} (Reifen) | cap (valve); valve cap | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Ventilkappe mit Schlüssel | 1. | valve cap with key | |
2. | Ventilkappe ohne Schlüssel | 2. | dome cap (valve); dome top cap (valve) | |
3. | nicht dichtende Ventilkappe {f} | 3. | non-sealing cap | |
Kfz-Diebstahl {m}; Autodiebstahl {m} | (motor) vehicle theft; car theft; auto theft | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Kfz-Volldiebstahl {m}; Vollautodiebstahl {m} (durch Stehlen/Rauben der Kfz-Schlüssel u. -papiere aus Wohnungen) | 1. | home-jacking | |
2. | Autohausdiebstahl {m}; Showroom-Jacking {n} (Stehlen von Kfzs mit Schlüssel u. Papieren) | 2. | theft from car showrooms | |
3. | Kfz-Raub {m} | 3. | car-jacking [Br.]; carjacking [Am.] | |
4. | Kfz-Raub auf der Autobahn | 4. | highway-jacking | |
(etw.) schließen; sperren [Bayr.] [Ös.] (beim Abschießen in bestimmter Weise funktioneren) (Schlüssel) {v} | to lock (sth.) (of a key) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Der Zimmerschlüssel schließt / sperrt nicht. | 1. | The room key doesn't lock. | |
2. | Der Schlüssel schließt (die Tür) nicht richtig. | 2. | The key doesn't lock the door properly. | |
3. | Die Zentralverriegelung schließt und öffnet auch die Tankklappe. | 3. | Central locking also locks and unlocks the fuel filler flap. | |