Translation of 'Mund' - German English Dictionary

Mund {m} [anat.]mouth
1. Münder {pl}1. mouths
2. den Mund halten2. to hold one's tongue; to wrap up
3. den Mund halten3. to keep mum; to stay mum; to shut up
4. den Mund spitzen4. to purse one's lips
5. jdm. den Mund zuhalten5. to cover sb.'s mouth
6. Halt den Mund! [ugs.]6. Shut up! [coll.]
7. Mir läuft das Wasser im Mund zusammen.7. It makes my mouth water.; My mouth is watering.
8. Sie kann ihren Mund einfach nicht halten.8. She just cannot hold her tongue.
Atemschutzmaske {f}; Atemmaske {f}breathing mask; respirator mask; respirator
1. Atemschutzmasken {pl}; Atemmasken {pl}1. breathing masks; respirator masks; respirators
2. Mund-Nase-Maske {f}; Mund-Nasenschutz {m}; Mund und Nasenschutz {m}; OP-Gesichtsmaske {f}2. medical mask; surgical mask; procedure mask
3. Partikelfiltermaske {f}; partikelfilternde Halbmaske {f}; Feinstaubmaske {f}3. particle-filtering half mask; filtering facepiece mask; FFP mask; fine particle mask
angaffen; gaffen; bestaunen; mit offenem Mund anstarren {vt}to gape; to gawp; to gawk (at)
1. angaffend; gaffend; bestaunend; mit offenem Mund anstarrend1. gaping; gawping; gawking
2. angegafft; gegafft; bestaunt; mit offenem Mund angestarrt2. gaped; gawped; gawked
3. gafft an; gafft; bestaunt3. gapes; gawps; gawks
4. gaffte an; bestaunte4. gaped; gawped; gawked
5. jdn. begaffen5. to gawp at sb.; to gawk at sb.
Gesichtsmaske {f}; Maske {f}face mask; mask
1. Gesichtsmasken {pl}; Masken {pl}1. face masks; masks
2. Gesichtsschutzmaske {f}2. protective face mask
3. Mund-Nasen-Maske {f}; Hygienemaske {f}; Operationsmaske {f}; Mund-Nasen-Schutz {m}; Mundschutz {m}3. mouth-and-nose mask; surgical mask; face protection
4. über eine Gesichtsmaske Sauerstoff einatmen4. to breathe oxygen through a face mask
den Mund halten {vi}to hold your tongue
1. Halt den Mund!1. Hold your tongue!
Mundpropaganda {f}; Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda {f} [ugs.]word-of-mouth recommendation; verbal propaganda
Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung {f} [med.]mouth-to-mouth breathing; mouth-to-mouth ventilation; mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; mouth-to-mouth insufflation; breath donation; transanimation; kiss of life
Mund-zu-Mund-Werbung {f}mouth-to-mouth advertising
fusselig; fusslig {adj}fluffy
1. sich den Mund fusselig reden; sich den Mund fransig reden [übtr.] [ugs.]1. to talk till one is blue in the face [fig.]
von der Hand in den Mund leben [übtr.]; sehr arm sein {v}to live hand-to-mouth; to live (from) hand to mouth [fig.]
1. ein Leben am Existenzminimum1. a hand-to-mouth life
2. Wir müssen von der Hand in den Mund leben.2. We must live from hand to mouth.