German | English | |||
Kuh {f} [zool.] [agr.] | cow | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | Kühe {pl} | 1. | cows | |
Klarabella Kuh (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] | Clarabelle Cow (Walt Disney character) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Blinde Kuh {f}; Blindekuh {f} (Kinderspiel) | blind man's buff; blindman's buff | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
Muh {f} ([Kindersprache] für Kuh) | moo [Br.] ([children's speech] for cow) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
dastehen wie die Kuh vorm Scheunentor/neuen Tor; dastehen wie die Piksieben [Dt.] {vi} | to stand there looking stupid; to stand there looking nonplussed; to (just) stand completely nonplussed | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
gießen; schütten {vi} [meteo.] | to pour; to team down; to teem with rain | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | gießend; schüttend | 1. | pouring; teaming down; teeming with rain | |
2. | gegossen; geschüttet | 2. | poured; teamed down; teemed with rain | |
3. | Draußen schüttet es/gießt es in Strömen. | 3. | It's pouring/teeming (with rain) outside.; The rain is pouring/teeming down outside. | |
4. | Es hat nur so geschüttet. | 4. | It pelted with rain. | |
5. | Es regnet/gießt in Strömen.; Es schüttet.; Es schauert. [Nordwestdt.]; Es hudelt. [Schw.]; Es gießt/schüttet wie aus Eimern [Dt.]/aus Kübeln [Dt.] [Schw.]/aus Schaffeln [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Es regnet Bindfäden. [Dt.] [Schw.]; Es regnet Schusterjungen. [Berlin]; Es regnet Schusterbuben. [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Es pladdert wie wenn eine Kuh das Wasser läßt. [Norddt.]; Es plästert, was das Zeug hält. [Mittelwestdt.] | 5. | It's raining cats and dogs.; It's pouring (with rain [Br.]).; It's bucketing down (with rain [Br.]).; It's bucketing it down. [Br.]; It's chucking it down (with rain). [Br.]; It's tipping down (with rain). [Br.]; It's tipping it down. [Br.]; It's pelting down with rain. [Br.]; It's raining stair rods. [Br.]; The rain is coming down in stair rods. [Br.]; It's pissing down with rain [Br.] [vulg.]; It's pouring rain. [Am.]; It's raining buckets. [Am.] | |
heilig {adj} [relig.] | holy; sacred | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | heiliger | 1. | holier | |
2. | am heiligsten | 2. | holiest | |
3. | unheilig | 3. | unsacred | |
4. | heilige Kuh | 4. | sacred cow | |
5. | Heiliger Bimbam!; Heiliger Strohsack! [ugs.] | 5. | Holy moly! | |
lila; lilane/r/s [ugs.] {adj} (ugs. Bezeichnung für einen ungefähren Farbton im Purpurbereich) | purple (colloquial term for an approximate shade in the purple family) | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | die lila Milka-Kuh | 1. | the purple Milka cow | |
(durch die Luft) schwingen {vi} | to swish | |||
Examples | Examples | |||
1. | schwingend | 1. | swishing | |
2. | geschwungen | 2. | swished | |
3. | Der Schwanz der Kuh schwang hin und her. | 3. | The cow's tail swished back and forth. | |